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"Huh?!" K.C looked at her lifetime friend like he'd grown another head. Did she just hear him right? Married? Her hands broke out in a cold sweat and her mouth went dry. Brantley chuckled, "You heard me darlin'." She smirked. "Uh, how about we just focus on gettin our trip done first?" "Well duh. I ain't sayin let's run off to the court house right now. Jus when the times right, I want you to know I want it to be you." She couldn't help but smile stupidly as he sat her up on the counter in the kitchen and started a huge pot of coffee. "I'm pretty sure its obvious, I waited to date you, duh I'll stick around to take your name too." Brantley laughed while grabbing coffee cups. "Fuckin theif." She grinned at his cheesy insult while he kissed her. They broke apart as they heard footsteps on the front porch and the door open. "Mornin' sis. How ya feelin'?" Smilee messed her hair up a little with a smirk as she glared and fixed his mess. "Sore. The fuck you think?" Now it was her turn to smirk as he glared. "Seriously honey, how you doin?" Death moved to her side gently as Brantley stepped back and he lifted her shirt, revealing the wound for the first time to Brantley while Death gently peeled the gauze back. The redhead stared straight at the cabinets while he poked around the stitches before cleaning it up and doing the same on her back. "Pain?" She shrugged, "Nuthin' I can't handle. I'll be good." The dark man smirked and rolled his eyes at her stubborness. "I smell coffee, and it smells fucking awesome." Christmas made his way through, making his cup before leaning on the counter and nodding at Brantley. "Thanks man. For the bed, and coffee." Everyone else chimed in as well. The singer tried to laugh it off. "It's nuthin. Whatever y'all need. K.C's family is my family." K.C couldn't help but smile, realizing they basically we're just a fucked up family. Barney was everyones father figure, even Derek's. He tried not to act like he cared, but he ends up doing so anyway. Christmas, Toll, Ceasar, Gaulgo, Gunner and Death were the weird ass uncles that she couldn't really describe. Then Smilee, Luna, Mars, and Thorne were definitely the siblings she never had. They'd better come out of this mess whole or she wouldn't know how to take it.

The stairs creaked and they all looked up to see Derek and Pam making their way down. "Mornin y'all, get outta my way so I can cook." Shooing everyone out of her way with a smile, she started grabbing everything she was making, a freaking breakfast feast. If it was one thing Pam loved to do, it was cook. "Oh I aint ever leavin." Ceasar perched as close as he could to the stove without being in her way. Pam chuckled with a smile as she fried eggs, bacon, ham, she had biscuits ready for the oven and hashbrowns.

"So, any of you ole bastards have a plan?" K.C looked from Derek to Barney with a smirk as they both flipped her the bird. Clearing his throat, Barney leaned on the counter top, "We need to find him first. Gunna have to find a computer and put Thorne to work." Brantley walked back into the living room, grabbing his old laptop from his bag he used to play games and came back to the kitchen, placing it in front of Thorne. "It ain't much, but it's better than nuthin." Thorne nodded in appreciation, "Thanks man, this will do just fine." Already working and focused, no one noticed breakfast was done but Ceasar and Brantley. Sitting K.C a plate in front of her before sitting next to her and digging in. She smiled and winked at him while she grabbed the fork and started to eat while watching Thorne work. She was truly greatful that Brantley was so understanding about everything. That he really did love her enough to promise to stick around and marry her when she was ready.

"Alright, search is goin for him. I just hacked into every c.i.a satillite there is." Barney smirked, "Means I'll be gettin' a call shortly." Everyone chuckled while Smilee silently caught K.C's attention and nodded his head towards outside. She moved slow, but made her way out while everyone talked, her movement wasnt unwatched by Pam or Brantley though, who looked at Derek who shrugged.

Outside, K.C sat down at the bench and lit her cigarette while John sat down across from her and put his head in his hands. "So, um. Laura ended it. Baby supposidly isn't mine anyways." K.C's heart broke for her brother, "Seriously? When did this happen?" "I woke up to the text. Said she wasn't waitin anymore, that she hadn't been for awhile. So it's probably a good thing I came here anyway." "That's bullshit. No offence, but thats why I never bothered with that mess until now. They know what they sign up for when they get with us, then when it gets bad they fuckin tuck tail and leave us wounded." John nodded, "You're not very good at this, you know." K.C chuckled, "I don't do sensitive. Fuck you. What do you want me to say? Sorry, but it happens to you and 90% of every other guy in uniform." "Well, that makes me feel better." He spoke sarcastically while standing up, holding his hand out to help her up. "You'll be alright dude, any girl who wouldn't want you is an idiot." Now he laughed, "Thanks sis." Walking back inside, she saw the twinkle of jealousy in Brantley's eyes and decided to shake it off. With what happened with Jana while she was gone, he really didn't have a right to judge her relationship with John. She was really trying not to be mad at Brantley, but that jealous part of her was slowly inching its way up.

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