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We were quick to learn that Mister Blossom had killed Jason because he found out about his drug empire, the syrup was just the face of his dealing. Later that night, when Sherriff Keller had attempted to arrest Clifford, he had already hung himself in the barn. Jughead had also been taken in by a family on Southside, but because of the district he had to transfer schools.

My father was eager to let me stay home and miss school for a few days. I didn't mind returning, but I stayed back to try and have my head around this fully.

Last night Cheryl had stopped by, and given me one of her spider broaches, which was on my vanity beside the photo of her, Jason, and I at a football game last year. It was odd behavior for my close friend, but maybe she was revaluating things since the week that had passed.

I sat on the couch, drinking hot chocolate and reading Fahrenheit 451. My phone dinged, and for a moment I was startled before finding a place and putting my book mark between pages before placing the book on the coffee table.

Sent from Princess Blossom

Thank you for the amazing years of friendship, and for believing in me. But, it's time I'm with Jason. I'll always love you, Annabelle.

I stared at the text, confused for a moment before it clicked, causing me to panic. I was only in pajamas, but that didn't matter. I slipped on a pair of my shoes by the front door as I grabbed the mustang keys and took off running to the car. The snow was cold, and it angrily bit my skin. I got inside the car and quickly started it. Not letting it warm for a moment as I backed out of the drive way and headed towards Sweetwater River.

I sped the entire way, ignoring the stop signs in my way to make sure my friend was safe. As I arrived, I could see the red hair standing a ways from me as I started to scream for her, she looked up momentarily and that's when I noticed Veronica, Archie, Jughead, and Betty running down, as they stopped before the water. "Cheryl please!" I screamed as I slowly started to edge my way onto the frozen river. She stood up, and turned to face the other four, and for a moment I thought she was going to walk to them, but not a second went by before the ace crushed under her weight. I let out a scream as the others did as well and we all took off running.

I was quick to start throwing snow about, looking for the red air under the water. "Here! She's here!" I ran over to where Archie was as he started to hit the ice. I watched as blood started to spill from his hand as the ice broke. He reached in and started to grab her before pulling her out. I watched as he started to give her CPR. After a moment, she started to spit up water, "I have my dads car, come on" I said eagerly, causing Archie to pick her up before we all carefully started to make our way off the ice.

I had drove over to Veronica's, and once Cheryl told me I could leave I still didn't. I sat with her in front of the fire, Veronica had brought her hot chocolate with liqueur in it before her mother said something and they started to talk. I wrapped my arms around the girl, rubbing her shoulders as she said she'd leave once she was warmed up.

I rubbed soothing circles on her back as we sat in silence.

But, once the girl was warm I had dropped her off at Thornhill before going home. I had already known my dad was at the Jubilee, but I couldn't careless about it. I made my way to lay on the couch, pulling the blanket over my body to warm up once again, a small smile on my face knowing my friend was okay.


"Ahh, Casanova. I got your usual" I heard my uncle say after the doorbell dinged. I looked up from the booth I was wiping down and smiled as I seen Archie. "I'm just going to wash my hands" Archie said as he made his way to the restroom. I got out of the booth and made my way over to the one behind it. The bell dinged, and I smiled, not looking up "I'll be right with you!" I called as I stood up form the now clean booth. "Shut up!" I jumped at the loud voice and turned around to see a man in a black hood. We were getting robbed.

He started to scream as he stood on the counter, holding Pop at gun point. I wasn't crying but shaking. I turned my head to my uncle, as he was looked to where I noticed Archie's head poking out, and he shook his head so gently. Fred started to stand up and I felt my heart in my throat again. It felt like I had blacked out when I heard the gun fire, but I hadn't, and I watched as my uncle fell to the ground, Archie running to him as Pop ran past me towards the kitchen.

The man had run out, and I fell to the ground, quickly crawling over to where Archie was holding Fred. I tore my apron off my hips and placed it over the hole where Archie's hand was. I shook violently as I sat with my cousin and uncle on the floor of Pops while Pop Tate himself stood close by calling an ambulance.

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