Chapter Eight | First Day Of A New School

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Thursday started out like any other day, with the exception of school. Honestly I liked school. I liked learning new things and I liked hanging out with my friends.

This all changed the second my life did. And it wasn’t a good change.

I was dreading school. I didn’t want to start a new school as it meant I had to start again from scratch. I wanted to go to school with my old friends even though I wasn’t that person anymore. But at the same time I didn’t want to go back as it meant having to face everyone that I’ve been avoiding for the past week.

I hadn’t texted or called my old friends, completely ignoring them if they did call or text me. I couldn’t stand to talk to them, in fear of breaking down. I didn’t want being constantly reminded of the life I use to have, when I had everything that made me happy. I didn’t want to remember the happy memories I had with them.

I woke up at 7:45am, my phone’s alarm blasting out a techno pop song. I groaned, not wanting to believe that school would begin in an hour. I pulled the covers off of me and stood up. I held onto the bed for a couple seconds, my head spinning as I got up too fast. I noticed the other five girls were still sleeping, so I quietly went over to my cupboard taking out the school’s uniform; a white button-up shirt with the school emblem on it and a knee-length black skirt.

I changed in the corner of the room, then running a brush through my hair and going, with the clothes I slept in, to the door. I walked down the stairs and heard talking going on in the kitchen. I didn’t bother paying attention as my mind was set on starting school. I walked into the bathroom, getting the rest of myself ready for the day.

I came out and rushed upstairs. I put on my black, leather converses, put my phone into my skirt pocket and slipped on the light purple Jansport school bag onto my back. I went downstairs to the kitchen, finding Miss Lancy standing there in her signature teddy bear apron.

“Good morning Miss Lancy,” I greeted her.

She turned around with a smile on her face, “good morning Charlie. You look beautiful today.”

“Thank you,” I smiled a bit.

“Chase just left a few minutes ago so I’m afraid you’ll have to go alone to school,” she frowned.

“It’s okay.”

“I’m pretty sure you just have to turn right and just keeping going straight until you see a school called Oakville High School.”

“Thank you,” I said heading over towards the door.

“Oh and Charlie,” Miss Lancy called out.

“Yeah?” I turned around.

“Have fun at school,” she smiled at me like I was her own child.

I nodded and opened the door going out onto the porch. I closed the door behind me and went down the ramp and onto the path. I turned right and headed straight.

The walk to school wasn’t too bad. It took around 15 minutes and I didn’t get lost as I thought I would. Before long, I saw students crowding around the entrance to the school. I walked through, lots of eyes looking at me.

I didn’t know where to go so I awkwardly stood near the entrance for a few minutes before I heard a bell go off. I didn’t know what to do so I followed students to an outside assembly area. I stood alone near the back watching teachers organise students into their classes.

“Hey,” a hand grabbed my shoulder.

I turned around to find Joseph standing there.

“Hey,” I said, a bit relieved that now at least I had someone who could show me around.

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