Chapter Twenty-Two | Park Trips and Better Feelings

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I tried to move around but something was on me. Then suddenly, pain went coursing through my body and I woke up.

"Ahh," I hissed. I saw Charlie lying on me and I tried to push her off. "Charlie get off, it hurts."

Her tired eyes opened and looked up at me. She probably at that moment noticed that we were in a hospital and quickly sat up.

"Ow," I groaned in pain and closed my eyes.

"Shit! I'm sorry," she exclaimed.

"You two are so cute together but never do that again. Both of you scared me to death. No wonder I have grey hairs on me," a voice spoke up, surprising both of us.

I turned my head to the side to see Miss Lancy sitting in one of the plastic chairs. Slight bags were under her eyes, and her hair was messy.

"We're sorry. It won't happen again, I promise," Charlie said.

"First you and now Chase. I'm starting to think you two are clumsier than the youngsters. Are you two together? This is probably the third time you two have slept together."

I saw Charlie's cheeks turn a slight shade of red, my own also heating up slightly.

"No, we're just friends Miss Lancy, nothing to worry about," she answered.

She smiled, as if she knew something we didn't. "If you say so."


I sighed as I nodded for the tenth time. "Yes, yes. I understand."

"The doctor said you can't move around too much, and to strain using your wrist. It's not a bad fracture that should completely heal in four weeks. But in the meantime, you're stuck with me helping you out as Charlie's still injured," Miss Lancy said as she pushed me through the hospital.

I rolled my eyes, "hooray for me."

"Don't be sarcastic to me," she scolded as she pushed me to the bus stop.

"Why do we have to take the bus? You know everyone will stare," I pulled the hood over my head and looked down at my bandaged hand in my lap.

"You know I couldn't possibly lift you into the car. You're not ten anymore Chase."

I rolled my eyes as we stopped and waited for the bus. It wasn't long before it came. Miss Lancy pushed me onto the bus, since I couldn't, and sat down next to me. From the corner of my eye, I could see people staring. I ignored them and prayed it would be over quickly.

When we got back to the orphanage, Miss Lancy pushed me into the living room and left me there. I stayed in my chair, since I couldn't lift myself up. Charlie came into the room, about an hour later, from school and sat down on the couch beside me.


I didn't go to school for the last week of term, again. Charlie wouldn't be able to help me, since she was on crutches and Miss Lancy had the other children to look after.

I stayed in my room, working on the artwork for the museum exhibition. Since it was only my left wrist and I was right handed, I could easily work on it. A few ideas floated through my head, but nothing seemed good enough. A few sketches were drawn in my art book, nothing serious.

It was due by the end of July, and the four artworks shown would be displayed halfway through August. A celebration evening would showcase the artworks for the first time.

Winter holidays started at the end of June, and meant two weeks without any school. It was getting really cold, meaning more clothing and less daytime. Winter was finally here, bitter winds howling at night and shivers running through your body during the day.

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