Chapter Twenty | Beach Trips and FIFA Watching

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When I got on the school bus for the excursion, I wasn’t surprised to see so little people. The bus driver lowered down the ramp to the bus and I got on. I went over to the disabled seat and stayed there, holding onto the handlebar, on the window. I saw the bus driver come up behind me and strap a seatbelt across the back of my chair. I rolled my eyes annoyed.

“I’m so glad to see you Chase,” I turned my head to see Mrs Harper smiling at me.

“You too Miss.”

She sat down at the front of the bus, the seat closest to the door, just as the bus driver shut the door and we were on our way.


The museum wasn’t bad. It wasn’t interesting but it wasn’t bad. It was nice that artwork would be shown here in a few months, brightening up the already boring building. 

The beach was the next stop, many other schools were here as well, and it was the moment I wished I didn’t come. We got out of the fairly new bus and started making our way towards the sand. I wouldn’t be able to go onto the sand so I stayed near the parking lot and park.

Mrs Harper trusted me not to wander anywhere ‘dangerous looking’ as she called it, and I wasn’t planning to.

My mind wandered back to the incident that happened on Sunday and I was afraid. Every year it happened at least once, sometimes more. I was slightly afraid to actually do it, even if at the same time I wanted it so badly.

Suicide. I know it shouldn’t be something a 16 year old boy should be thinking about, but we can’t have everything go our way. Nothing went my way that was a good reason to end everything.

Cutting didn’t help relieve pain, in a way it just made it worse. It made me believe I was weak and stupid to try a thing that leaves permanent scars on your body. It was all just really stupid.

I was looking out at the ocean and the beach, thinking about what had happened, on the car park, near the stairs that led down to the sand when I felt a tap. I turned around to see Sam with a girl.

“Sam? Is that you?” I asked.

He seemed surprised for a moment before a smile came to his face. “Chase? What are you doing here?”

“Excursion, you?”

“Same. Oh, by the way, this is my friend Libby. Libby, this is Chase, my new friend I told you about.”

“Nice to meet you,” she said and I just nodded my head at her words before turning around.

I leaned forward onto the railing, resting my chin onto my arms that were resting there.

“Chase, are you okay?” Sam asked me.

I didn’t bother turning around, nor answering him. Soon enough I heard whispering and Libby leaving to go down onto the sand. I heard a tapping, and then it hit the back wheel. I felt Sam’s hand find my shoulder and he sighed.

“What’s wrong? I could tell something was up all week. I guess I was just waiting to bring it up with you in person,” he said, concerned.

I sighed, breathing out a huge breath of air, I didn’t know I was holding back. “I’ve had a big weekend and it’s been bothering me all week. Charlie broke her leg at the game, so it didn’t go as I thought it would.”

“Crap, that’s bad. Did you help her out or anything?”

“I tried to, got pushed away by people who could actually help.” I rolled my eyes.

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