Chapter Thirteen | The Dreaded Funeral

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I didn't feel like getting out of bed on that dreadful Friday morning. My eyelids were heavy with sleep as I stared up at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep and the nightmares kept me up. I lazily got out of bed and took out loose clothes from the cupboard. I headed downstairs and took a quick shower to warm me up.

When I was finished, I went into Olivia's bedroom and woke her up. I bathed her and dressed her up in loose clothing. We both went downstairs with our stuff for the weekend.

"Miss Lancy we're ready we can-," I was cut short, when I noticed Chase.

He turned around and looked up at me, blankly. He looked better than he had in the past three days. His nose wasn't red anymore and he regained back the colour in his cheeks.

"Hey," I said, lazily.

"Hey," he replied.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked him.


"That's good to know."

"I need to get ready for school. See you later." He said as he grabbed his wheels and started pushing himself away.

"Okay," I said.

"Good luck," he called out and I nodded to thin air.

I looked at Miss Lancy and Miss Reed as the two weren't talking anymore.

"Ready to go?" Miss Lancy asked.

"Yeah." I nodded and grabbed Olivia's hand.

Miss Lancy walked out the door and we followed after her. When we got to the door I turned to face Miss Reed.

"It's nice to see you again," I said politely.

"You too," she replied. "Good luck Charlie."

I nodded and walked out the orphanage with Olivia. We followed Miss Lancy to Miss Reed's car.

"Why are we going in Miss Reed's car?" I asked.

"The mini bus is a bit much for three people," Miss Lancy replied.

I nodded my head and placed the small luggage into the boot of the car. I buckled Olivia up into the backseat before buckling myself up with the seatbelt. I sat in the front seat next to Miss Lancy and soon enough Miss Lancy climbed into the car.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Never will be," I mumbled.

The car's engine started and we were off towards the place I once called home.

I plugged my earphones into my phone and placed them into my ears. I played the music and tried my hardest not to fall asleep. Olivia was already sleeping in the backseat and Miss Lancy was driving the car so she couldn't fall asleep.

My eyes were slowly giving in to sleep and before long I fell asleep with my parent's funeral on my mind.

I woke up when the car was slowing to a stop with the music still playing in my ears. I squinted my eyes at the bright sun and saw that we had pulled up at a small motel called, 'Newcastle's Motel.' I recognised the surroundings, as I use to pass by often.

I sighed sadly. Time to face my fears, I thought.

I got out of the car and took out the earphones from my ears and placed them, along with my phone, into my back pocket. I went around to the back, unbuckling Olivia and taking her out of the car. I placed her sleeping body on my right hip and walked towards the entrance.

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