Chapter Twelve | An Unusual Weekend

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When I woke up Friday morning, I felt like myself again. I wasn't as tired and my body wasn't as sore. I slowly sat up and pulled the blanket back, exposing the bottom half of my body. I lifted myself into my chair and made my way into the kitchen.

I saw Miss Lancy rushing around, placing various items everywhere.

"Morning Miss Lancy," I said, signalling my presence in the room.

She quickly turned around. "Oh, Chase. Good morning. How are you feeling?"

"Better," I replied.

"That's good. Anyway, I have to go now. See you later Chase," she said, kissing my forehead.

I frowned. "Where are you going?" I asked, following her into the living room.

"Oh, I thought Charlie might've told you. Her parent's funeral is tomorrow and we have to go to Newcastle. We have to leave now if we want to beat the traffic."

I never liked it when Miss Lancy went with the children to funerals. Sometimes they were in another city and she would be gone with the child for a couple days. In those couple days we would have another person taking care of the orphanage. The person was never as nice as Miss Lancy and it was the few times where I had to come out of my room often to help.

"Who's coming this time?" I asked.

Someone chose to knock on the door at that moment and our conversation was interrupted. Miss Lancy went over to the door to open it to Miss Reed.

"Jennifer, thank you for watching the orphanage this weekend."

"No problem," Miss Reed smiled.

Miss Reed had watched the orphanage before and it didn't go too well. I was forced to eat at the dining table with the other kids and had to play with them. I was hoping it would be someone else, yet it had to be her.

I didn't move from the spot I was in and instead looked at the two ladies chatting.

"Miss Lancy we're ready we can-," the voice was cut short and I turned around.

Charlie had walked into the room, carrying a small, black suitcase. She stopped walking and looked down at me as I stared up at her blankly.

"Hey," she breathed out.

"Hey," I replied.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked.


"That's good to know."

"I need to get ready for school. See you later." I said, pushing myself towards my room.

"Okay," I heard her say.

"Good luck," I called out behind me and began to get ready for the day.

School went by normally. Slowly but bearable. I stayed as unnoticed as a kid in a wheelchair could, throughout the day. I didn't see Jack at all and made sure to stay away from him as much as I could.

I was thankful for the weekend but it didn't last long. I was awaken up by Miss Reed at an early time.

"Chase, wake up," I heard a voice say in the middle of my dreams.

"But it's so early," I replied groggily.

"Chase, wake up," I heard the same voice say.

"Go away, I'm sleeping," I said sleepily, not knowing who I was talking to.

"I won't go away until you wake up," the voice said sternly.

"Fine give me a few minutes," I said grumpily, turning my body the other way.

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