A Miracle of the Gods

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City Andrilison lay in ruins. The stone crumbling from walls and houses. A small group stood around the body of the Supreme Lord. Lady Maddison was crouched over him crying when she felt a heartbeat. A rasping breath came from his nose. She called over the Lord Shora and some other soldiers. Rejoicing at the miracle they carried the body into the castle.

They placed him down on the bed and took off his armour. A wound that should have been there wasn't, he was unharmed. Lady Maddison rejoiced to the air as she lay next to him and embraced the lord. Gen and Eleanor stood at the doorway and looked to eachother smiling.

"If only I wasn't a little late." Gen said forlornly.

"You were busy." Eleanor retorted as she left the doorway.

"I suppose." Gen smirked following her down.

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