Sunfire Gleams

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With the bell still ringing out over the city, Andrilison's garrison gathered at the castle. Lord Jason, Lord Shora and three other lords stood in full armour and weapons before the army. In the low sunlight two and half legions of soldiers stood ready to defend the city. Lord Jason was ready for battle.

"Men of Andrilison, on this day we shall fight for the defence of this city. Villagers cower in their homes scared for their lives. They are many and they are evil but so are we. You are fifty-thousand of the most well-trained soldiers in the kingdom. Before the glory of the Light we shall be victorious." He held up a crystal, it glowed a blinding light that cut through the dark ash, "Prepare your defences. We shall make conquering this kingdom impossible."

Lord Jason flanked by the other lords burst into the council room. A large group of messengers stood ready. "I want a message of aid to every kingdom you can get to that hasn't fallen. I want them to prepare for their own battles. If we fail they will be next."

In unison they called out, "Yes my lord." They all sprinted away with their messages.

The lords went down to the vault.

"Why are we here my lord?" Lord Shora asked.

"We need a powerful relic." Lord Jason said searching through the piles of treasure. "It is a sword forged in a different world to ours, it was forged at the beginning of time in the Light itself. It is the greatest weapon in Mortalia."

They searchd for a few minutes until one of the lords pulled a sword out of the pile. It glowed faintly and seemed to sound an angelic hum when it was moved around.

"Is this it my lord?"

"Yes. Well done." Lord Jason nodded.

He was passed the gold blade. It was a hand and a half sword with a long blade. The handle was heavy with a solid guard.

"I'll be honest with you it doesn't seem very warfare ready, looks more ceremonial." Lord Shora stated cocking his head to one side and studying the blade.

"That is where you are wrong." A melodic voice called out from behind them.

They all turned to the voice and drew their swords.

"Who are you and where did you come from?" Lord Jason threatened.

"Look I am no threat, if I was here to kill you I would have done it already."

"Why are you in the imperial vault?" Lord Shora asked.

"To retrieve my sword." He answered bluntly.

Lord Jason laughed, "This can't be yours. This has been passed down for millennia."

"And yet here I am."

"What is your name?"

"My name, Lord of Andrilison, is Aveuglant the Bearer of Blinding Hope."

At the name the sword sang and spat out pure light onto the ground.

"I can see you are shocked so I assure you I am here to help." He took the sword from Lord Jason's quivering hand. "This is Sunfire, a blade forged in pure light for the battle against Tafel. This very blade beheaded the original Lord of Eternal Night and it shall do so again." He swung it in a circle and it sang a melody of angelic beauty.

"Golmatoth is almost here, with my help mankind can prevail."

The lords stepped back out into Andrilison followed by the angel. Through the ash they could see carts and stalls overturned creating rows upon rows of blockades. Any enemy would have a tough time breaking through but this wasn't any normal army.

"Where do we go Aveuglant?" Asked Lord Jason.

"They will attack the harbour first so we must go there and hold it for as long as we can."

"We just have to hold long enough for Lewisian aid to arrive." Lord Jason stated.

"Not that long, as we speak the Army of Light prepare the portal to this plane and a man named Gen lead the Church garrison to our aid. Once they arrive we will have a fighting chance."

Lord Jason, the other lords and Aveuglant as well as a few hundred soldiers ran to the harbour for the approaching battle.

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