Sarah Meet The Sins

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This chapter contains matured contents.

Ban and Sarah left king all alone and went to the boar hat to meet the sins.

5 hours later

Ban- Umm Sarah are you ready to meet my comrades.

Sarah- Yes of course anything for you my love. But I hope they don't say anything bad about me.

Ban- They won't because their just like me. Cares about the people who they like.

Sarah- Ok my love, if u say so.

20 minutes after, they arrived at the boar hat.

Ban- Hey captain, you there, i have someone for u to meet.

Meliodas- Ban is that you, you came back.

They then did their best friend hand shake.

Ban- I want u to meet my true love Sarah, she is Elaine's twin sister and one of king' s little sister.

Meliodas- Nice to meet u, it is a pleasure.

Sarah- The pleasure is mine.

Elizabeth- Sir Meliodas! Where are you? Oh there you are, oh hi Sir Ban and who is your friend.

Meliodas- That's his girlfriend.Her name us Sarah

Eliazabeth- Nice to meet you Sarah.

Sarah- Same.

Ban- where is master.

Hawk- Here I am.

Ban- Hey master how's it been, oh and meliodas u haven't changed at all.

Meliodas Molestes Elizabeth~

Hawk- I'm good but I think i am going to die after eating Meliodas's cooking all this time.

Meliodas- Hey Ban where is king, I taught he was with you.

Ban whispers in Meliodas's ear- I left that creature behind, would u believe that he tried to fuck me.

Meliodas- Oh wow, I never knew that he would have pull something that cheesy.

Elizabeth- What are u two boys going on about?

Sarah-Probably boy stuff.

Ban- Oh well where is Merlin?

Meliodas- Merlin has been turned to stone by one of the members of the 10 COMMANDMENTS, by Galland the commandment of truth.

Ban- You made everything sound like nothing is wrong.

Merlin-Nothing is wrong we just need to kill Galland and I'll get my body back.

Ban-Who is this Galland? Is he from that demon clan thingy called ummm The 10 Comedians?


Ban- Ok whatever.

A couple hours later~

Ban- So me and Sarah will be sleeping in that room and you and Elizabeth will be sleeping in there.


Ban- Ok. Time for dinner.

Ban went and made dinner and then this happened~

Ban-So what will we do now?

Meliodas- We will have to go and look for you know who.

Ban- Escanor?

Meliodas- Yes, the sin of pride, Lion's sin, ESCANOR.

Ban- Ok but we need to do some training too.

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