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Gabe leaves almost immediately after letting me know that Alex's party is at seven o' clock. I think he felt pretty guilty because he finished his ice cream without trying to steal mine. I decide to go to this party and piss my parents off as much as possible. My stomach hurts less now so I label myself as physically capable to engage in activities.

I feel like Gabe was disappointed in himself and that's something you don't see quite often because Gabe's pride is amazing. He is so egotistic that if you called him retarded he wouldn't care and he would simply tell you that he knows he's not stupid and everyone knows that too. I leave the house after announcing that I'm going out. Of course this is a big mistake and my father comes rushing out from wherever he was hiding.

'Where are you going?'

'Out, did you not hear what I just announced?'

'I know but where?'


Then I slam the door. I guess he didn't come after me because I have a right to do whatever I want right now. It's simple compensation.

Alex is known for throwing sick parties but this party is particularly amazing. It's at his house and I hear that Alex has a pool in the shape of his face. There are girls in bikinis with guys following them around, other guys buying cocktails and dancing wildly with girls they probably didn't know.

Ross crashes into as soon as I walk through the door.

'Dean! You made it'


'You've seen Tasha?


'You better go find her; I heard she's got a surprise for you'

I nod and gently push him away because he smells of cocktails and beer; which I think is a very disgusting mix. I have to push past several people to find my way around Alex's house. The host was in the centre of the dance floor with a girl who didn't go to our school. When I found Tasha, she was sitting on the couch with a girl. She had her hands on the girl's face and I think that is pretty weird. As I come into view they spring apart with shock and the girl walks away meekly.

'So what's the surprise?'

'Not even a hello?'

I give her a small kiss on the cheek and sit down next to her.

'I have bad news, Dean'

'Should I be scared?'

'I hope not'

'Okay what is it?'

'I want you to accept the fact that I am breaking up with you'

I was hard not to crack a smile but I forced my face to keep from celebrating.

'It's not you it's me. While we were together you made me a better person and you're so inspiring'

'I can see you've commenced the break-up speech'

'No interruptions, the point is I'm not what you think I am'

The smile evaporated from my face.


'You know what I mean'

'You're gay?'

'Yes, Dean don't make a big deal out of it'

'What are you talking about? You're gay! My reaction is more than suitable for this'

'Can you just calm down'

'Okay, I'm calm'

'Are you lying?'

'Yes, how long have you been gay?'

'Three months'

'That makes a lot of sense'

'What about you? You also started acting weird'

'Acting weird?'

'For three months it's like we're not even dating'

'Well we kind of weren't'

'I'm not talking about the gay thing'

'I know what you're talking about'

'So tell me'

'I just don't like you anymore'

'Why? I'm a pretty amazing person'

'Well I'm sure that's what Emily thinks'

'Her name is Laura'

'Are you guys dating?'

'Yeah, duh'

'Bye Tasha'

'Where are you going?'

'Anywhere you're not in'

I wander around squeezing myself between sweaty and dunk people in a daze. How does one react to their girlfriend being gay? I sit down by the pool and watch Gabe make his entrance. He spots me and walks over to where I'm sitting. A waiter hands me a cocktail and I accept it gratefully.



He sits down beside me and accepts a cocktail for himself.

'About today-'

'You always told me never to apologise for speaking the truth'

'I know but this is about me bringing up the Hana Incident over and over again, especially since I know what that did to you'

'Forget it man'

'What's been happening? You look dead'

'My girlfriend's a lesbian'

'You're joking'

'I'm more than serious'

'Dude, your life is messed up'

'Trust me, I know. I wish I had a way to at least make it look normal'

He nods and finishes his cocktail.


'I know'

'No man, I mean drive like a retard, almost get arrested, abuse your licence and go home and finish your social studies project'

I laugh.

'You're crazy'

He shakes his head with a huge grin on his face.

'I'm not the one who's about to abuse his licence'

Gabe was right and I hear myself saying this, a lot. I drive with speeds up to 120mph and it feels exhilarating. The wind is like a cold slap in the face and the darkness makes my car a shadow. The sound of the tyres skidding gives me confidence and I go even faster. I run two red lights before the police start tailing me. I make several turns and continue zooming straight then an idea comes to me. I drive into traffic and blend my car in with the other cars and when it clears and drive into the road that leads to Bambi's house. I drive past the house and into the barn nearby. I switch off the engine and wait for the police cars to pass by.

Normality sinks in when I'm back home, facing my social studies project and thinking about how smart Gabe is.

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