Crocodile 1979

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A/N: so I had a look at this thai film by the name of Crocodile. From what I was guessing of the film, it's one of those crocodile/alligator horror movies. However, when I looked into it, it actually kinda feels like a Kaiju film.

*The Monster of the film is nearly as big as a Tanker Ship rather than the usual bigger than a while bus or something.

*There are mentions that the film's monster was resulted in possibly mutated by recent atomic bomb testings in the ocean.

*The music in the film sounds kinda similar to showa kaiju films.

*It has sound effects that were used in the showa godzilla and Gamera movies as well as the Ultraman shows.

*The Moment where The Crocodile attacks the village is rather similar to how you would see a kaiju attack a city.

*The Crocodile Kinda does some odd ways of destroying and killing like you would see kaiju in the showa films do.

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