Neo's Path (3)

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Flashback: ><

P.O.V: Underline&Bold

Neo P.O.V

(Whispering Woods: Near The Fright Zone)

"I hurt them... why did I do that"

*I looked at my hands before slashing my claws against a tree in the whispering woods*

"I let my anger lash out because of what Aloke said"


(Kirik's Room)

"I can't believe he lied to me!.." I yelled as I threw a pillow at the window

"Neo, calm down... I'm sure father..." Aloke started to say

"He isn't my father and your not my brother so zip it!" I yelled at Aloke looking at him face to face before scratching him across his cheek

"Brother, that's enough!" Von yelled as he stepped in front of Aloke shielding him from me

"Von, get out of my way!" I ordered as I started to move Von out of the way

"No! I will not let you continue to hurt Aloke! He is family too and.." Von said before he got thrown at the bed

"Von! Why would you hurt Von like that, he's your little brother damn it! You don't deserve to be a prince of Bright Moon... you deserve to perish with the people of the Horde.. your just a monster!!" Aloke yelled out in blinded rage

>Flashback End<

"Aloke was right I'm a monster.."

*I continued to walk through the Whispering woods until the woods came to an end and I walked out into a clearing. From there I could vaguely see what the people of Bright Moon called the Fright Zone, I looked at the necklace around my neck.. it was one of my mother's claws and part of Kirik magic orb meshed together. I remembered what Kirik said to me about the necklace 3 weeks prior*


"Neo here.." Kirik said as he held the necklace out towards me

"What is this a birthday present..?" I asked as I took the necklace out of his hands

"No, it's something your mother wanted to give you before the battle had started, but she didn't have enough time... so I am giving it to you in her place" Kirik stated before rummaging into the pockets of his robe to pull out a letter "Here your mother also wanted me to give you this letter"

*I took the note out of Kirik's hands, but what I wasn't ready for was for my hair to be ruffled by Kirik and of course the kiss to the forehead I received from him*

"You should go off to bed now son and try not to open up that letter until you struggle with something that you're unable to solve yourself, so then the letter can push you towards the right direction maybe even answer your questions" Kirik explained as he was walking back to his room

>Flashback End<

"Answer my questions..." I said rephrasing

*I pulled out the letter that Mother had written to me and opened it without hesitations...*

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