One Talk... Leads Into Another (6)

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Warning: The Smut begins at the "X~~~~~~X" just so you know and have been warned...

Actions: **

Places or Dates: ()

Mind links: I

Thoughts: I

Time skip: ~

Flashback: ><

P.O.V: Underline&Bold

Neo P.O.V

"What could Mother possibly want to talk about right now?"

*I made my way over to her slowly... making sure not to hurt myself again and once I did my mother had an expression of worry shown on her face*

"Neo.. why did you do show off... who were you trying to impress?" Y/N asked

"I guess everyone... to show them I am a force to be reckoned with" I answered

"And where has that gotten you son..." Y/N asked again

"No, where..."  I answered back

"I don't want you to draw unneeded attention to yourself anymore... am I understood?" Y/N stated

"Crystal clear Mother..." I replied back

"Good, now you may leave back to the Cadet chambers" Y/N said

*I wanted to walk away from my mother but I knew for a fact that I wasn't done speaking to her. Not even in a long shot would I let this opportunity slip out of my hands. Everything that I wanted to ask her could be answered and would be answered now, all of my insecurities and doubts would hopefully go away after finding out the many thoughts that plagued my mind...*

"Neo, are you okay? Is there something you wanting to ask me..." Y/N said looking puzzled

"Yeah, I wanna know everything Mother... I want the truth..." I asked looking into her eyes

"Neo, right now is not the right time to-" Y/N started to say

"Then when will it ever be Mother! When Kirik takes us back home to Brightmoon..." I interrupted yelling at her

"Neo, don't you start this nonsen-" Y/N started to try and speak again

"It's not nonsense!" I yelled out in frustration

"Don't you raise your voice with me Cadet!" Y/N yelled out a command

*I glared at my Mother my anger welling up inside and I was pretty sure that sooner or later I would turn into a volcano that is ready to erupt*

"I don't understand you at all Mother..." I stated

"What is there to understand about me Neo... haven't I tol-" Y/N tried to get her point across

"No you haven't explained everything to me.." I interrupted while staring into her eyes

*I watched as my Mother sighed sounding stressed out by me asking her these question,  but I really didn't care how she felt right now*

"What didn't I tell you Neo that could be so important" Y/N asked sounding very worried

*I looked back at my Father and Aunt Catra before looking at her*

"Why haven't you forgiven Dad..." I asked looking at her for an answer

"He doesn't deserve to be forgiven Neo... you don't understand how much harm he's inflicted  onto not only me, but to you as well.." Y/N answered explaining why

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