Unruly Terms (4)

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Mind links: I

Thoughts: I

Time skip: ~

Flash back: ><

P.O.V: Underline&Bold

Neo P.O.V

"I never thought that my mother could turn into an actual animal! Though she told me the stories about how Magicat's could turn into their feline counterparts, I remember mother telling me that was a legend... why did she lie? Did she do it to protect me.."

"Y/n don't make me have to put you down, I don't wanna have to throw you into a prison cell if I have to so give me.." Tassilo started to say before Y/n let out a sharp growl "I have this under control.."

*Tassilo waved off for Octavia and the guards to leave, so they exited swiftly in a fit of fear*

"I won't let you touch Neo.. he is my son! You gave up your chance to be his father when you didn't believe he was yours, you thought I lied and thought he was Kirik's!" Y/n growled out in anger

"Y/n, I know what I did was wrong, but can you blame me for getting like that after I saw you being buddy-buddy with him! I even saw you two kiss, what did you think my reaction would be when you told me that you were pregnant!" Tassilo yelled at Y/n trying to explain himself

"Don't you yell at me Tassilo! You have no right in explaining yourself now!" Y/n growled out even angrier

"What did she just say Baz?" Catra queried while looking at the situation at hand

"Well, Y/n is trying to protect her kitten from us and Tassilo... who is the father" Baz replied summing up details

"Well that makes sense... wait! Then he really is my nephew!" Catra said surprised

*My eyes widened in surprise at the new information being revealed, a look of fear was showing upon my face, I was still so confused why my mother decided to hide all of this from me. But I became reassured when I felt something lick my face, when I looked it was the man that was arguing with my mother the one who they called my father. He turned into a black lion at first he seems more like a tiger to me when I really took a look at him, but I realized he was the king of all cats. It seems like After he licked my face he seemed to give this look at me like he was trying to reassure me that everything was going to be okay... But I already knew it wasn't because my mother let out and booming growl of anger when she saw him make that gesture*

"I told you... you're not allowed to touch him Tassilo you gave Neo up the moment you decide to leave me like I was nothing to you and no.." Y/n growled out until she was interrupted

"Mother that's enough! I want you to stop fighting you'll never get better if you keep trying to argue with people! So can you just rest for once and stop worrying about me... please..." I yelled as tears began to flood out of my eyes while looking at my mother "I remember you telling me in that letter that I had to choose my own path and choose my own choices, so that's what I'm doing... I'm standing by what you said mother so please don't stop me from doing what I feel is right..."

*As my tears started to flow down my face I could then feel arms wrapped around my body as I began to weep, I can see that my mother was no longer a white tiger, she was now back in her human form. I held onto my mother tightly as I continue to cry into her chest, she continued to comfort me by rubbing my back so that I could calm down, while also encouraging me to let all of my feelings out. After a few moments later I calmed down and looked at the man they called my father, he was already changed back into his original form as well. He held his hand out to me and I immediately took hold of it without hesitation*

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