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I actually proof read the chapter this time. Let's be proud of that. I hate reading mistakes, it makes me cringe so I made sure there weren't any. If there are, act like there isn't 🙃




Yo baby. Where you at?
Sent 8:30am

Sent 8:33am

Milani..answer me man.
Sent 8:34am

I'm sorry about last night.
Sent 8:35am

Baby please answer the phone.
Sent 8:38am

At least let me know that you good ma. I'm seriously worried. Call me.
Sent 8:39am

It had been a long ass night for me once I noticed that Yué wasn't coming back and she was ignoring the fuck out of me. I was honestly surprised that she didn't block me by the amount of times I called and texted her between last night and this morning.

After she left I trapped myself in my own mind replaying our argument and the selfish shit I said to her that caused her leave. I was wrong for my words towards her and my behavior as well. Jumping the gun like that was fucking up our relationship and I was slowly but surely realizing that I needed to chill the fuck out.

Now my main problem at hand was tracking her down and talking to her so she could come back. I know that is my fault but I didn't want to dig myself into a grave with my daughter because Yué left. I wasn't sure on how I was going to explain it to her if she really didn't come back. One thing I knew, was my daughter was extra sensitive when it came to Yué and I did not want to be the one to ruin her vacation.

I stretched my long limbs out as I drug my body out of bed to get the day started. I put the thoughts on Yué on the back burner while I put my focus on my daughter because this trip was planned for her.

Walking out my bedroom I walked past Charlie who was reading at the dining room table and into the living room where my mom was flipping through channels with her eyes on the tv.

Approaching her on the couch I leaned down kissing her cheek, "Good morning mama."

She was unmoved and continued her search through the channels, "morning son."

"Whats your problem?" I groaned catching onto her attitude

Turing around she connected her eyes with mine holding a blank stare, "there is no problem."

She gave her attention back to the tv and I just brushed whatever that was under the rug. I didn't have the time for anymore negativity going into today.

I made my journey back to my room so I could do my hygiene and get dressed for the day.

"Hey daddy?" Charlie stopped me before I could walk into the room

Turning round in my tracks I leaned against the doorframe giving her my attention, "yes?"

"May you ask Yué to braid my hair before we leave today please? I don't want it all over my face."


I had to think quick on an excuse to divert her attention somewhere else. Yué wasn't here let and I didn't even know if she was coming back.

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