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How you doing baby girl? Had a safe flight?
Received 10:00AM

Oh now you text me back. 🙄 I hit you up almost 2 hours ago Roman.
Sent 10:01AM

My bad. I was handling something
Received 10:03AM

You mean handling someone. You at the same address you were at yesterday when you claimed you were on your way over
Sent 10:03AM

You gonna get enough of hacking my phone
Received 10:05AM

I don't have to hack it when you're voluntarily sharing your location with me Rome 🙄
Sent 10:05AM

This your new fuck buddy house?
Sent 10:05AM

Why you worried?
Received 10:07AM

Not worried, just asking. You stay in my business so.. 🤔
Sent 10:08AM

That's different. I'm protecting you from little niggas that's just trying to fuck you
Received 10:10AM

You must be prime example number one 🥴 you just out here fucking for sport.
Sent 10:12AM

You need to be protecting yourself from an STD
Sent 10:12AM

Shut up. I'm grown and I know what I'm doing
Received 10:15AM

Yeah whatever. My flight was fine and we're in LA for the day. Gonna go find me dude to waste my time with now that I don't have you here to cock block 🤪 🖕🏾
Sent 10:15AM

Don't get fucked up Yoshinori 😒 I'll fuck up any nigga that come near you.
Received 10:16AM

Can't fuck shit up from across the country Rome. Byeeeeeee 😘❤️
Sent 10:17AM

I snickered to myself in my seat locking my phone and placing it in my lap. Yué's parents were in the kitchen fixing tea and coffee while the four of us sat in the living room lost in our phones. I myself was trying to figure out what exactly were we going to be doing today, because I had no plans of just sitting in someone's house for 24 hours of my day.

"So what's the move?" I questioned looking between Yué, Anthony, and his fine ass brother Ensō. I would lick anything off of that mans face if he wasn't so damn grown.

They all looked between each other trying to find the answer in one another. Well then I guess no one had a plan on what we could do to pass the time.

"We can head to Santa Monica Pier to kill some time." Yué suggested, "you two just need to not look famous."

Guess that was better than nothing.


"So where you lived before moving to Atlanta?"

Yué and Anthony were off doing couple shit yet again, so for the past hour I've been chilling wit Ensō as we walked the pier.

"Manhattan with my parents.." I started, "Bronx every now and again."

"You had family in the Bronx or something?"

Shaking my head I chuckled bitterly reminding myself of my not so far gone past, "nah. Ex-boyfriend would let me stay with him when my parents kicked me out. I basically lived with him majority of my senior year in high school."

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