Chapter Two

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"Silverpaw, why don't you just watch from the sidelines for right now," Beechtalon suggested as they entered the training pit which was a decent sandy area shaded by a few large boulders, "Goldpaw you and Amberpaw can demonstrate a few moves that they've learned over the past few moons."

"I'm not going to go easy on you," Goldpaw teased as she turned to face the ginger tom joining her in the clearing, "even if you are my brother."

"When we're done it's going to end with you pleading with me to stop," Amberpaw boasted licking the fur down on his chest, "Copperpaw can't even keep up with these moves."

Goldpaw's long gold fur bushed out hiding the strong muscles hidden beneath her pelt. Her tail was twitching excitedly back and forth while her green eyes were focused intensely on her brother watching his every step. Taking a step forward she swiped her paw through the air narrowly missing Amberpaw as he reared up. As his sister stumbled Amberpaw slammed his forepaws down onto her shoulder spinning his hind legs around he pinned her to the ground knocking her back feet out from under her.

"Gotcha," Amberpaw declared taking his weight off of Goldpaw's thick coat.

"That was an advanced technique," Petalcloud's voiced seemed concerned as she rushed to check on her apprentice, "you're only practicing no need to be so rough Amberpaw."

"He wasn't being rough," Goldpaw defended shaking the dirt from her pelt, "when can I learn that move it was so cool!"

"When your mentor thinks you're ready." Beechtalon spoke up stepping into the arena, "well done Amberpaw it would have sent even the biggest EarthClan cat shaking in his boots."

Silverpaw sat on the corner of the training arena it was getting harder to concentrate on the four cats in the arena as the prophecy spun around in her head. Don't Let The Heart of Darkness Burn the Trees Before They're Fully Grown, Or Watch the Forest Turn To Ash. It had been annoying her from the moment she'd received the message from Patchstar the other night. The old black and white tomcat had ruled over SnowClan seasons before Silverpaw was ever born but she had heard stories about him from Softbriar when she was a kit. A formidable leader who was both wise but was closed off; he'd refused to help WaterClan when their camp was destroyed in a flood.

"Silverpaw come join us in the clearing," Hearing her name the silver she-cat stepped from the shade into the sunny clearing, "I'm going to assume you weren't watching Goldpaw demonstrate the back kick?" Petalcloud flicked her tail in irritation, "I'll demonstrate it this time so pay attention you'll be doing it yourself after." Turning around she faced Beechtalon flicking her tail she beckoned him to come towards her. Petalcloud stood her ground as Beechtalon charged at her, Petalcloud spun around facing away from him she jumped onto her front paws lifting her back paws off the ground she kicked out behind her catching Beechtalon in the chest and sending him spinning back.

"Well done." Beechtalon coughed standing on his feet slowly, "I think you winded me for a moment. That would have allowed Petalcloud time to turn and jump onto my back." Goldpaw and Amberpaw were watching intently both apprentices were keen learners, "Silverpaw you will try the back kick, Goldpaw you'll be her opponent."

Goldpaw stepped into the ring facing her sister, "I'm going to charge at you," She told her, "don't forget to spin and then kick." She advised her sister before charging towards her. Goldpaw's thick golden hair shone in the sunlight making it hard to look directly at her even when Silverpaw was focused. Trying to judge the distance Silverpaw spun around throwing her weight into her front paws she kicked back her feet grazed through the thick fur narrowly missing her sister just before Goldpaw crashed into her sending the two rolling in the sand.

"Fox dung!" Silverpaw snapped her tail flicking irritably.

"Is anyone injured?" Petalcloud called at the two apprentices as they stood up and shook off their pelts.

"No I feel fine," Goldpaw replied,

"I'm okay as well, guess I need to work on judging the distance more," Silverpaw joked gently brushing her sister's coat as they walked back towards the group.

The day passed by slowly for Silverpaw as she practiced the simplest of battle moves with Beechtalon. Petalcloud had taken the other two apprentices to the other side of the clearing to work on fighting as a pair and instructing them to practice badger attack moves. As midday arrived Beechtalon called the other apprentices over,

"I want you two to go hunting, bring back at least three pieces of prey each," With the flick of his tail the two apprentices scampered out of the clearing, "Silverpaw you can return to your medicine cat duties for the day." Turning around Silverpaw began to make her way back to camp. The Forest Turn To Ash. She was so certain when she'd heard the prophecy that it meant a fire was coming, however, Dappledstar had insisted that it must involve Ashkit, but after all, he was just a kit.

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