Final Chapter

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That morning was the same as all the others Birchpaw could remember after being taken by Panther Clan. Not that you could consider them a clan, at least Birchpaw didn't. The den was dark when she awoke, which wasn't surprising seeing as the apprentices weren't aloud out during the day. Couldn't risk having them seen or running off, following her nose Birchpaw pushed her way out of the rabbit warren. It still smelled of the rabbits that had lived their the previous evening, the ones they'd stalked for prey before expanding the den to fit a few of the apprentices.

"Hello?" Birchpaw called out as she neared the entrance blue eyes flashed in the dark as the cat guarding the den stared back at her.

"So you're finally awake," the cat hissed moving out of her way letting her step out into the moonlight. Looking up Birchpaw noticed just how close the moon was to full, in a few days here the clans would be holding their gathering. Perhaps then they would understand just who was attacking the clans and stealing their apprentices. Though she'd told her littermates in StarClan previously she wasn't sure if any of the other clans even knew that they were all missing apprentices. Looking around in the dark Birchpaw was able to spot Seedpaw and Goldpaw climbing out of their own dark hole, the rustling to her left proved to be Echopaw and Slatepaw, glancing behind her she noticed Berrypaw pushing his way out of the same rabbit warren she'd been shoved into the morning before.

"Panther Clan gather here!" The sound of his voice sent chills up her spine as she turned to see the rogues leader pacing along a low hanging branch staring down at his group of misfits. His pelt blended in with the night and you could just see the wisps of grey appearing on his muzzle, his eyes were a sickening bright orange reminding Birchpaw of Cedarblaze's red pelt. "Tonight we shall take smaller patrols, hunt where you like. Those of you assigned to an apprentice you know your duties."

"Birch come." The deep growling command of her current mentor came with an impatient smacking of his tail. When she arrived she'd been thrown into the center of the camp, like an offering. Each cat sat and watched her, some got up and paced around her until finally he'd stepped in, towering over her very much like Rubblestep, but Shadow was even bigger than the old StarClan tom.

"It's Birchpaw," she corrected him again, as she did every time he said her name wrong, but the older tom simply pretended she'd never spoken at all. She'd asked him one night when they were hunting why he was called Shadow, the story wasn't as interesting as she'd hoped. 'Darkheart said I needed a name. So he named me.' The tom didn't seem to care what he was called just that he was obeyed.

"Hunt." He growled sitting down at the bottom of a willow tree, the area was cold at night and most of the prey was hiding in their dens. Nevertheless Birchpaw knew what was in store if she came back without anything, and even worse she knew the penalty for trying to run away. "Quickly." He added impatiently his large black tail sweeping back and forth scattering all the leaves.

"You're making too much noise." Birchpaw hissed at him unsheathing her claws, she knew at least four moves that would let her have advantage over her opponent. Even as she debated it she could feel Shadow staring at her, knowing full well that even if she did get away who would suffer in her place? Goldpaw? Seedpaw? They'd all been with Panther Clan long enough to know each other, build whatever friendship could be built when you're shoved into a rabbits den with someone for the day. Most nights Birchpaw tried to pair off with Goldpaw, however Darkheart liked to mix them around, stop them from creating escape plans.

"Then go somewhere else." Shadow replied the large cat lay down curling his tail over his nose. Sometimes Birchpaw wondered why he'd even chosen to watch over her that first night.

The forest was quiet as she started her hunt, as usual Birchpaw tried to catch any familiar scent she could. By the way they'd been traveling recently she knew they were nowhere near SnowClan territory, but she couldn't help but hope they were near another.

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