Chapter Four

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The sky was dark when Ashpaw opened his eyes, he was standing on the top of Rockpile looking down on the sandy clearing. A small white she-cat with blue eyes was sitting in the center of the clearing, her pelt shimmering of stars. Her tail swept back and forth across the sand, there was a rustling to the bushes on the left and Ashpaw watched as a dark brown tabby walked towards the she-cat.

"Rubblestep, you can't seriously think I will stand by and let my Clan fall to pieces." The she-cat snapped as he drew closer. The large tabby dwarfed the small cat his shadow engulfing her small frame.

"I only pass on the messages that the world sends to me," Rubblestep replied dipping his head to the she-cat, "Snowstar, all we can do is send guidance to our Medicine cats Forestbreeze would say the same." The small white cat nuzzled her head into the tom cat's chest.

"Ashpaw?" Birchpaw's voice hissed at him and he turned to see her orange-brown fur huddled against the rocks, "where are we? How'd you get here?" Glancing back in the sandy hollow he watched glimpsed the two cats disappear among the bushes on the other side of the clearing.

"Were at the Rockpile, this is where Dappledstar brought me earlier," Jumping down the boulders Ashpaw marched his way to the side of the clearing, "this is where I caught my first squirrel earlier!" Turning around he watched Birchpaw crawl out of her hiding place. Her eyes glanced around the clearing and she stopped moving, Ashpaw watched silently as his sister returned to her spot tail between her legs.

"But there are so many cats," Birchpaw hissed digging her way under the Rockpile, "everywhere I look there are cats!" Looking around the clearing Ashpaw didn't spot any other cat but him,

"Birchpaw the clearing is empty," He whispered, "come on out."

"No! Every time I sleep I end up here," Hiding under the boulders Birchpaw's tail nervously flicked back and forth. Sensing his littermates fear Ashpaw slinked under the boulder to press his fur against hers,

"Every time you sleep you come here?" Running his tail down her spine he tried to calm his sister down. She seemed so much smaller trying to hide under the boulders, slowly her breathing calmed down moving to brush her fur against his.

"You can't see them?" Birchpaw whispered gesturing ahead of them with her muzzle.

"See who?" Ashpaw whispered back the clearing remained empty the soft breeze shifting the sand around. At the edge of the clearing Ashpaw watched as a sleek gray tom emerged from the ferns surrounding the training area.

"Birchpaw? Are you here?" Settling down in the center of the clearing the tom wrapped his tail around his feet, "I can hear your heartbeats, just come out and join me. I have a message for you both." Birchpaw crept out of her hiding place beckoning Ashpaw to follow her with the flick of her tail.

"Forestbreeze," Birchpaw called out to the gray tomcat as they approached, "I haven't seen you in days."

"Yes, I'm sorry Birchpaw I had an important message to figure out," Forestbreeze replied, "and now I have come with a warning for you Birchpaw and your littermates." The large gray tomcat had dark green eyes with flecks of brown his gaze was calm and he smelled like the forest. His gaze remained focused on Birchpaw only ever so slightly looking over at Ashpaw.

"Why should we even be listening to you," Ashpaw asked stepping between his sister and the stranger. As Forestbreeze stared at Birchpaw he glanced down at Ashpaw standing between them,

"Didn't your mentor ever teach you to respect your ancestors?" Forestbreeze questioned, "this place has been my home much longer then it has been yours little apprentice. If you don't listen and ignore my warning it could be the end of SnowClan. Forever."

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