Chapter Eight

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The next few days in camp past by in silence, there was no sight or scent of Goldpaw and the camp was heavy with depression. Cedarblaze was beside herself in grief but unlike Honeypuddle who seemed to lose her energy and way of life due to losing her mate. Cedarblaze was the opposite she took to teaching Birchpaw harder, they worked on drills from morning until night, but Birchpaw didn't mind. After they'd returned from meeting EarthClan Ashpaw tried to speak with Silverpaw but couldn't get a word out of her about the prophecy. She'd only encouraged them all to focus on their own training instead of meddling with medicine cat prophecies. Having her mentor focus on her training allowed Birchpaw to focus as well without suspicion, plus Birchpaw knew it helped stop her mentor from thinking about Goldpaw.

Sometimes during training Cedarblaze would talk about Goldpaw, how worried she was but how she knew her daughter was alive out there fighting. Birchpaw wasn't so sure, the idea was a nice one so she didn't want to squander her mentors hope, but as the days dragged on without word even Cedarblaze drew quieter about her beliefs.

Unlike his mate Hawkleaf focused solely on finding his daughter, he was on every border patrol and spent all his free time searching for clues along EarthClans border and beyond SnowClan territory. It was a hot summer day and the camp was full of warriors sharing tongues, it had been a good day for prey and each cat had eaten their fair share.

"All cats old enough to climb the oak tree join be beneath High Stump for a clan meeting!" Dappledstar yowled from her perch upon the large oak stump. Most of the clan was already lounging around camp and they easily moved to gather under the stump, "in the hard times we often have to look for the good within our camp, Copperpaw and Amberpaw," the clan leader beckoned the older apprentices to the front of the clan, "your mentors have told me you are both ready for your warrior assessment." The two apprentices nodded excitement trembled under their pelts while their eyes swarmed with sorrow over their sister who should have been up there with them.

"Beechtalon and Crowwing will escort these two to the mountain cave where they will be tested, we shall see you all in three moons. May StarClan light your path."

"May StarClan light your path," Cedarblaze called out as the clan surrounded the young apprentices sending them off with their best wishes.

"Birchpaw!" Glancing behind her shoulder Birchpaw noticed her littermates beckoning her over. They'd gathered off to the side of the group wishing Copperpaw and Amberpaw best wishes on their warrior assessment. Beechtalon was striding through the crowd their way stopping in front of his kits,

"Take care of each other." Leaning down to look his kits in the eye he sighed reaching out to nuzzle each of them, "listen to your mentors and stay safe, I'll be back in three moons."

"You better be," Maplespring growled from behind her mate brushing her fur against his as she joined her kits, "and with any luck you'll be returning with two fine warriors." Following her gaze Birchpaw caught Copperpaw's amber eyes his black pelt was dull from the past few days of ignorance,

"With any luck it'll help cheer them up," Birchpaw commented sighing as she watched Amberpaw push his way out of their crowd headed their way.

"Beechtalon, we're ready to go." Giving a small nod in the younger apprentices direction the red tom twitched his tail in irritation. Beechtalon merely flicked his tail in acknowledgment saying a quick goodbye to his mate before leading the apprentices and Crowwing out of camp. As the clan watched the four cats head out Dappledstar yowled impatiently quieting her clan,

"With times like these I feel like it's best to choose a temporary deputy while Beechtalon is gone, Graypelt you will fill this role." The large tom nodded his head as if he'd been expecting this all along, "and on better news I ran into Vixentalon while on search patrol earlier today, Petalcloud will be returning to camp tomorrow, Pouncepelt you and Cloverbee can meet her at the border just after sun high." Pouncepelt nodded his head respectfully as the rest of the clan purred with joy.

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