The cold teen (edited)

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Izuku has already been saved by the pro heroes and is currently living with aizawa and eri, eri was with him at the lov hideout as overhaul was partnered with them making nomu's so eri and Izuku were both chosen for their powerful quirks
Everyone at the school Aizawa put him seemed to leave him alone, as if they understood that hi didn't want them around. They would never know the truth that if they just pushed to speak to him, maybe he'd be nicer to them, that is why he was only nice to one person. Katsuki Bakugou, he was extremely rude and aggressive to everyone except Izuku, why? Well Izuku was the kinda guy that could get hit and hit back not just twice as hard more like 10 times, he held the same attitude to others in the fact he didn't care for them yet he was so focused on becoming a hero. Not to mention his completely op quirks, they were best friends, always would be.

"Hey izuku" the explosive teen said in a hushed voice as it was currently 5th period "What?" He replied with no enthusiasm, he already knew all this so why did he have to sit in a shitty class full of weak posers "Wanna ditch?" He looked at the boy and thought for a moment, they had 45 minutes of maths left and the teacher didnt know what he was talking about, before he answered he activated his time skip grabbed kacchan and left so no one would notice. He arrived at a lark and put his friend down and deactivated time skip

"Sure" the explosive teen didn't even complain as he was used to this, they walked to the direction of their homes as they were going to get changed and train, but they were stopped under a bridge by a slime villain

"Oh, two good sized skin suits, lucky me" it lunged at the two who didn't even flinch at it " oh to scared to move, i think ill take the black haired one first" as it reached izuku it prepared to take over his body but the raised only his index finger, when the sludge villain came in contact he was frozen

"Idiot, your body is clearly a liquid, therefore im your worst opponent" his voice carried no emotion and the only noise after that was the explosion made by kacchan who destroyed the ice and villain izuku made ice weak enough for katsuki to blow up

"Fear not citizens for i am he- wait did you two dispose of him" he looked shocked before he got a good look at the two "oh izuku its you, its been quite some time hasn't it, have you given any thought to my question?" All Might asked the boy whilst katsuki stood confused and excited

"HEY ALL MIGHT YOU LISTEN WELL, IM GONNA BECOME NUMBER ONE AND SURPASS YOU K!?" He screamed at the man as the other two sweat dropped "I think what he means to say is 'oh my god it's all might can i have your autograph', and i have ill see you at that place tomorrow at 6" he said a little more lively than his normal state which both hero and teen picked up on

"Of course young aizawa, and here you go young man" Kacchan his autograph "now i must be off but get back to school" he said as he launched off "Ye no thanks, come on kacchan lets go train" they walked down the path

"I know all might was there when you were saved and all but, i never knew you were buddies" he said to his only friend

"Tch, its not like that, he's basically my uncle. You know how the new family is" he looked saddened by the word family but it wasn't noticeable on his cold face. The two walked off and trained for a couple hours before going home

Time skip

Izuku walked home and when he opened the door was met with a hug "Zuku your back!" came the voice of a young girl, his adoptive sister eri
"Of course im back, where would i go without you?" he said returning the hug, she was the only one he would be a normal person around
"You know i get scared when i don't see you, and papa's gone to work you just missed him" she said with a slight pout

"*sigh* remember eri, after all we've been through im not gonna let it happen again, your my little sister after all" he said with a genuine smile " now lets make some food huh" she replied with an over excited "yay" as she ran to the kitchen Izuku in pursuit, as he cooked he looked to her, his reason, the motivation he held to become stronger. He had to protect her from harm and he would die to keep he safe, and likewise he was the reason she was alive, why she would wake up. They had an inseparable brother sister bond, and nothing could break that. After eating and putting eri into her bed, Izuku sat and reflected on the question all might had asked him.

"When your stronger, i want you to accept my quirk izuku, i want you to use it to become the symbol of peace after me"
"Ill think about it, the whole concept of giving quirks still haunts my mind but no matter what, with your quirk or not, I promise to live up to your expectations"
"I look forward to it, young Aizawa"

Time skip dagobah municipal beach

"I thought long and hard All Might, and i accept" he looked at the pro hero with determination as he too looked with determination at the teen "Well then young Aizawa, EAT THIS" he handed Izuku a hair, who ate it knowing how it was passed on. He can control up to 35% due to a life of training "Izuku, in the entrance exam 10 months from now i want you to show everyone what you can do, don't hold back use your full power and come first. Show everyone that you will be the strongest hero!" He looked to the young teen who turned to face the sunrise over the ocean

"Dont worry All Might, im done holding back for others. If i want to protect everyone then they need to know that i have the power to do so" he said for the first time in 10 years showing true emotion, completely abandoning his cold attitude, but it came back only this time much stronger, as he knew that power came with a responsibility, and he wasn't gonna drag others into this

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