USJ and the unfamiliar helper (edited)

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Izuku hero costume above but the red is blue

Class 1-a sat on the bus heading to the USJ, everyone was talking but izuku, even bakugou was talking to kirishima. However Uraraka sat next to him, they had been pared to sit together and they sat in silence until Uraraka decided to break it

"So Izuku, if you dont mind me asking, what quirks do you have?" She asked as everyone decided to listen in and with a sigh he told them "I have four, and before anyone says, 2 were given to me, you dont need to know how. My original two were cryokinetic an ice manipulation quirk and the other telekinesis but its incredibly powerful. The other two are a time manipulation quirk were i can stop time and the other is a stockpile quirk that gets even more powerful every time its used" he said as they all looked at him in fascination

"Thats so manly dude" Kirishima said in the background, followed by mina saying "Yeah, i wish i was so OP" she said as everyone gave a little giggle, they all continued to talk with basic conversation between Izuku and Uraraka until aizawa told them all to get off as they had arrived

"Welcome to the USJ everyone now meet 13" he said introducing the other pro hero "Hello everyone i am the pro hero 13-"however they were cut off as Uraraka began to fan girl over them

"OMG OMG OMG ITS 13" the brown hair girl screamed "All right calm down, what did  expect to see when joining a hero school?" izuku said as she muttered an apology and they all went inside, it was when they were talking about the facility when kirishima called out

"Hey they even have fake villains" this caused everyone to turn and see dozens upon dozens of villains coming out of a mist "No those are real villains stay back! 13 you protect the kids!" aizawa called before charging in

"Well hello little heroes, were here for two reasons, the first... to kill all might" the hand man said in a sickening voice before 13 nervously asked "And the other?"

"Why to take back are creation, come on Izuku dont keep us waiting" he said as everyone turned to him

"Fuck you shigaraki" his reply caused the man to sigh

"Fine, kurogiri do it" he said as the warp gate came to them, Bakugou and kirishima charging him only to be teleported "Now SCATTER" he shouted as everyone was teleported. As izuku was falling he looked to see the water below him and quickly formed ice on his feet and froze the water for him to stand on, not long after tsuyu jumped on carrying mineta

"Hey Aizawa, its best we get on that ship over there" tsuyu said as izuku formed an ice bridge and they got on

"OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP" Mineta cried "I NEVER EVEN HAD SEX WITH A GIRL" his crying was making Izuku's ears hurt so he hit him over the head "Shut up you obnoxious pervert" his cold to e shut him up "ive already got a plan, tsu you take mineta and jump to land, ill make pillars of ice for you to leap on, then ill use my time skip to get to you" and with that said they did just that before izuku froze all the water trapping the villains

"Hey Aizawa lets head to the centre were mister aizawa is" tsuyu said as he agreed and they ran there, upon arrival they saw aizawa being pummelled by a strange beaked monster, it angered Izuku so much that the strange power came back, his eyes glowing blue as his ice began spreading, he ran in shooting ice at the nomu before hitting it with a 35% ofa punch shattering it

"HAHA izuku you think its that easy, your solely mistaken" as he said that the nomu stood up completely healed and sent him flying across the building as it followed him, using his time skip he stopped himself and got behind the nomu and blasted it with a ice infused ofa punch, releasing time skip he looked at the nomu

"It has shock absorption izuku" shigaraki said from behind, the boy only began growling, like a wolf being cornered he bared his teeth, his abnormally large canines showing "ah so sensei was right about you haha" he looked at the man about to ask for answers before the nomu began its barrage of attacks on him, he was sent flying as he was helpless against the attacks, however something strange happened, time skip was activated but Izuku didn't cause it, releasing himself from the nomu's grip he looked around and saw a tall purple man

"Who are you?" He asked him

"My name is hit" the purple man replied btw not a dbz crossover

"How are you in time skip?" He asked confused "Because, i was the original owner, the humans mistook it for a quirk when they found its power lingering" he said back to the teen "Why are you here?" Izuku asked hit. "Because, i have some advise. Like your one for all quirk you should channel time skip, you will lose the drawbacks of aging, this will allow you to be able to move faster without activation, you could move so fast it would look like your not moving yet your opponents wont be able to hit you. Also to tell of you of your new power" he started as Izuku looked at him "You know of it?" He asked
"Of course i do, with my power we are one. This power is not new to you, only reawakened" izuku looked at him "millennia ago there was a race of wolfs that took human form called the Sirius, one day a sirius mated with a human and began your blood line before their race was wiped out, you are the last one and you can harness the original power, it is increasing your reflexes and senses aswell as powering up your quirks. However, until you can become at peace, you will not be able to harness its full power properly. Remember these words Izuku as i wont be coming back" he said as he began fading

"Also, i think that Jirou girl is taking interest in you, she looks at you weirdly" he said with a smirk as he disappeared and the time skip stopped, everyone was disoriented as Izuku was out of nomu's grasp but quickly fixated themselves on him, the nomu rushed him and punched him as he formed a cross with his arms and slid back, he was facing down, his long hair covering his eyes but their glow was still evident

"Hmm" izuku hummed as everyone looked at him "so why's all for one looking for the last sirius?" He asked as everyone was confused except shigaraki

"HOW DO YOU KNOW? WE MADE SURE YOU DIDNT KNOW" he cried out in fear, everyone from class a arrived to see him his white hair spreading a little once more, a blue electricity coming off of him from ofa "If i use my strength quirk aswell as my new ability from time skip" he opened and closed his hand before looking up at the villains "ill be able to kick your ass" he said with a smirk before he seemingly teleported "lets get started shall we?"

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