Real folk blues (Edited)

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"Hello Izuku, I've been waiting" he stared up at the woman with hate, his hand was clenched as he shook with anger "you were dead!" He said quietly but full of anger "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD! HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!" he screamed at her making her chuckle, she stepped out of the shadow fully exposing her face "ooh izuku, thats no way to speak to you mother" she was wearing armour, it was thin but still very bulky

His teeth were clenched as he stared at her with hate "you fake your death and then start this shit, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She once again chuckled "my little brother tried to take over this world, but you killed him" his eyes widened when she said that 'ALL FOR ONE?!' he screamed in his head, he was his only kill who wanted to take over the world "but i am no fool, taking over the world is pointless, it would never bring us the utopia we dreamed of, so instead... WHY NOT DESTROY IT!" She exclaimed "auntie inko? Is it really you?" Todoroki asked from the side, she turned and clicked her fingers, his head came clean off, blood splurging everywhere "don't even utter my name trash" she said with anger "YOU BASTARD, WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!" momo cried, she banged on the bars that held the captive, but it was pointless, not only were they made of steel but they were quirk cancelling "oh im sorry honey was he your little boyfriend?" The woman asked as she grabbed momo by the cheeks

"you can join him if you want"

she said it in such a devilish voice, she was about to kill the girl when izuku kicked her in the head and sent her flying away, she managed to get her feet on the floor making her skid, she held her face as she looked at her son "that was a good kick, i'd expect nothing less from my son" she complemented "im sorry guys" izuku said as his hair covered his face "because of my family everyone has suffered, i promise i'll beat her for you" he said, he shook with anger as ice started to cover the room, his hair started to wave about turning into a much more icy blue, he had infused his body with the strongest ice he could make and created a transformation

He jumped at her with one for all, and went for a punch, she dodged but izuku just sent ice at her, she however just dispersed it with telekinesis "tch" izuku let out as he tried his own telekinesis on her but it had no affect "you cant use that against me Izuku, i have a complete barrier around my body that disperses of your telekinesis" she smirked, angered izuku lunged in this time much faster, she was surprised by the speed and was caught of guard, he gave her a right hook and followed up with with a wave of ice, suddenly however he felt an unbearable sensation in his abdomen, he fell to the ground in pain as he clutched his stomach

"That regeneration is a little troubling" the woman laughed as she came out of the smoke, she had her hand held out "this is a trick i learnt a while back, that i can use my telekinesis to rip it from your quirk factor, they only problem is that this only works on someone once as their body adapts to hide the other quirks" she walked over to him and kicked him in the head "IZUKU!" Kirishima,denki and uraraka yelled, however momo was just crying. The boy stumbled up to his feet, a look of determination on his face "when a foe is before you fight" he said as he remembered something "that is what aizawa told me one time. He also told me to trust in my friends but, but i cant do that now, because i have to be the one to clear this up" he suddenly coughed up blood as a slash appeared across his chest, inko had condensed the air to be an invisible sword

"Shut up"

She commanded with such disgust "i had hoped you would become stronger than this" she insulted as she placed her foot on his chest and pressed down making him scream in pain, uraraka screamed "STOP IT THATS ENOUGH! HE'S YOUR OWN SON!" but this only made inko chuckle "he is no son of mine if he cant put up a fight" she walked over to the cage and grabbed Uraraka by the neck through the bars "see here izuku, this is why you should have been strong" she said as she crushed the girls neck and dropped her to the floor "URARAKA" Everyone yelled in anger "i-i'll *cough* i'll kill you" izuku said weakly but she just laughed "HAHAHA YOU, KILL ME? LOOK AT YOU, YOU CANT EVEN STAND, IN JUST 30 SECONDS THE RIFT WILL OPEN AND EVERYTHING WILL BE ERASED... ITS POINTLESS NOW!" she exclaimed merrily

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