
99 15 2

Duration: 14 days( 2 weeks)

We bring to you 14 days of non-stop writing for this month which will begin on the 15th March, 2019.
Everyday,  a writing prompt will be dropped and you'll go wild with it.
Poems, non-fiction pieces and short prose pieces will all be accepted

Word limit: No limits!!!

Instructions: You post your work on any of our social media platform, i.e Instagram and twitter making sure you tag us.

Members of the ProjectNigeria Bookclub can submit their entries to the Bookclub directly.

Don't forget to use the hashtag #14daysOfNature

Social Media handles:
Instagram: @projectNigeria

Day 1: Rain
Day 2: Wind
Day 3:Cloud
Day 4:Fog
Day 5: Typhoons
Day 6: Sand storms
Day 7: Tornados
Day 8: Spring
Day 9: Summer
Day 10: Fall
Day 11: Winter
Day 12: Rocks
Day 13: Rivers
Day 14: Seas

14 Days of Nature #ProjectNigeria Where stories live. Discover now