Burn Three

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After I had carried Midoriya to his apartment, we were sitting where we pleased in his room. I leaned against the railing on the balcony while he sat on his bed with his knees to his chest.

" I wanted to talk about the Sports Festival with you." Midoriya started, " After our match I was sent to Recovery Girl and when I woke up I was in a different hospital. I asked some of our friends from class about what happened with you and they said that you weren't your usual self. So I wanted to see if you were alright."

" You needn't worry about me, what I want to know is the same thing. I've never used my flames in combat as to reject my father but after what you said to me during the match I felt like I was the idiot. I felt as though I had been suppressing my powers for no reason, and as a result I used them against you when I had no control over them." I took in a breath and continued on, " After I heard of your injuries I visited as often as I could, but while I was at UA, and you at the hospital, I did the same thing all over again. I suppressed myself from indulging in everyone's conversations, activities, etc. and I thought many times of what you would say if you knew."

There was a break between our speeches but the vert haired teen answered to my statement, " Todoroki, I've been meaning to tell you something for a little while now but I just haven't found the right time to say it."

" What is it?"

It was at this moment that Midoriya had turned a bright pink, partially due to the sunset outside, and began to stutter on his words.

" I, well, I've kinda had my eyes on someone since then and well..."

" You want to tell them how you feel correct?" He nodded to me finishing his sentence, " Then tell them how you feel when you feel ready to do so. I'm sure they wouldn't turn you down if they knew you well."

" You could say that they're in our class."

" Then you won't have to worry being turned down right away."

Though I was giving him advice as someone would his reactions didn't seem those of appreciation, instead they seemed to sadden him in some way, so I started to look deeper into the matter. To me it appeared as though Ururaka was interested in him and everyone assumed that they were a couple, though it was plain as day that their relationship wasn't that deep. Then I started thinking that if he had his eye on someone he would've told either Tenya or Ururaka about it and if they knew they'd spread the news like wildfire, so it had to be sometime after the Sports Festival. Finally I thought that Midoriya wouldn't have had enough time to find this special someone unless they were with him during the Festival or while we were in halftime.

Then it hit me, and I had a vague idea of who this person was. Though I was shocked and surprised, I was, in a sense, kind of happy. I chuckled and looked directly at my friend.

" Midoriya, just come clean. It didn't take me too long for me to figure out who you were talking about."

" ! How do you know how I was talking about?!"

" Just having you ask that only confirmed it all the more. Just say it, I want to hear you say it to me." I stopped and stood up straight from the railing, " Tell me how you feel... towards me."

Gentle silence covered us and I watched as Midoriya's face turned a darker shade of pink, eventually into a red colour, and waited patiently for him to tell me what he's wanted to tell me. And after a few minutes he finally told me, almost in a whisper.

" ... Alright, fine.... I... I've had my eyes on you, Todoroki, and well..."

" Go on." I started to walk up towards Midoriya as he was stumbling over his words.

" I... I really like you... It's more than like... ahhhh! I'm not the best when it comes to something like this, my head's all foggy!"

I stopped in front of him and crouched down to meet his green eyes, " Don't worry, no one is good at this sort of thing. We can take this slow, though it may be difficult to hide this from everyone for the time being, I want to cherish you as much as I can."

" ! And I to you, I want you to feel free and safe, that's why I want this kind of relationship with you. It may seem selfish but I swear it's for good intentions!"

I chuckled and replied, " Don't worry about being selfish or not." I grabbed a hold of his hands and continued, " But trust me when I say this, I won't abandon you for anything and I won't allow for this world to try and separate us. You have my word on that."

He nodded and laughed a bit and because of that I tackled him onto his bed and started to tickle him until he called for surrender. We continued to make jokes, took our first picture together, and even impersonated Bakugou a bit, after about fifteen minutes of messing around, Ms. Midoriya came into the room to announce that dinner was ready, and so we left his room to eat.

After dinner I decided that I would go back to my home, and as I was putting my shoes on Midoriya came up to me to ask me something.

" I wanted to to ask you about something before you left, if that's alright."

" Sure, go ahead."

" Well, do you know what's going on with Bakugou lately? He hasn't been himself since the Festival and I was wondering if something happened."

" Really? That's odd, but if you say his change in character was from after the Festival then I can only assume that he may still be angry about winning the way he did. He wants to take it out on me but he knows he can't do that, so he's taking it out on anyone that makes him tick. That's my assumption, but don't worry too much about it, he'll get over it."

" If you say so."

" Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then." I took a step toward him and quickly landed a small kiss on his cheek before opening the door and leaving.

Maybe I could make amends for what I did, but my gut was telling me otherwise.

AN: Woah! A new chapter so early?! Ikr? Anyway, here's chapter three and I'll see you in the next one!!!

<<<To Be Continued>>>

Burning Love Can Hurt [Tododeku Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now