Burn Five

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When I woke the next morning, I carefully got out of the bed as to not disturb Midoriya in his sleep. I went into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth, and when I came out I saw that Midoriya was stirring awake.

" ... Mmorning Todoroki..."

I chuckled from his attempt at speaking right away. His morning grogginess was oh so present in his voice that it made him all the more adorable.

" Good morning, Midoriya." I sat down onto the bed and leaned in a bit, " If you want, I could go make us some tea while you get ready for the day."

" ... What day is it today?"

" You really are half asleep, huh? Well, it's Saturday, so we don't have school today. If that's what you were wondering." I held back my laughter from his lack of knowledge so early in the morning.

He nodded and I got up from the bed to go make our breakfasts.

While I was making our food, I suddenly remembered what Midoriya told me about Thursday. What Bakugou said to him. I wanted to teach that bastard where is place was, but I hold myself back when I think about what Midoriya would think. He probably wouldn't want me to get involved, knowing him and his caring nature. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but I think sometimes he can be a little too nice.

The tea had finished and it would take a while longer for the food to be done, so I took our mugs and went back to the bedroom only to find that Midoriya hadn't gotten up. I set the mugs down on top of a dresser and walked over to the bed to sit back down where I was before.

" Hey, is something wrong or are you just tired?"

" Both, I suppose. I know what Kacchan said must've alarmed or angered you, but just try and let it go."

" You know I can't do that, not while we're together now. I'm going to protect you from anyone who tries to harm you, either that be verbally or physically."

I watched as he gripped the pillow and his face turn a shade of pink. It wasn't until now that I finally realized that he was blushing, it wasn't a fever. I smiled to myself and stood to head over to the dresser with our tea mugs. I went back to Midoriya when I had them in my hands and handed him one while I was seating myself back onto the bed. He took a sniff of the drink and smiled.

" This smells really nice. I love the smell of tea in the morning."

" I think you'll enjoy it more once you try it." I took a sip of the tea to show Midoriya that I too enjoy tea in the morning.

I had gone back to the kitchen to finish cooking, so Midoriya showed up after five minutes of getting ready for the day.

We had eaten our breakfast and were now lounging on each other in the living room. While we were watching a program about the pro heroes, I watched as my newly found bundle of joy jotted down as much as he possibly could in his notebook. His eyes gleamed with joy as he wrote down what he wanted to know about the pro heroes, and all the while he remained laying on his stomach on my lap. I found it quite enjoyable, just sitting here relaxing with Midoriya was enough to make my day all the more special. I thought about where we might like to go tomorrow seeing as this week will be the last of fairly decent weather. Then I thought about the museum that Midoriya had pointed out to me on our walk last night.

" I've got an idea for tomorrow if you'd like to join me."

" Really? Of course I'd love to go with you, so what's your idea anyway?" He giggled.

" You know that museum you pointed out last night? I was thinking maybe we could go there and see where things go from that point onward."

His eyes gleamed with excitement and joy, " That sounds awesome! Hey, I know what we could do for lunch tomorrow if you're interested."

" I'm all ears."

" Goodness, could you imagine someone having a quirk like that? Anyway, there's this small family restaurant that Kacchan and I used to go to when we were kids. I think you'd like it!"

" Alright, and for dinner, do you want to go out or cook and eat here?"

" Let's eat here, we can cook together! Believe it or not but I like to think my cooking skills are rather good. Seeing as I had to help my mom multiple times, but it was fun!"

" Which brings me to the question I've been meaning to ask you. Do you think we should tell your mother, you know, about us?"

I could feel Midoriya freeze up in my lap. I couldn't tell my father about us or he'd do something irrational like he always does when something pertains to me. I know my mother would be happy for me though, it's just the just of the family I'm concerned about. Now that I haven't been home since yesterday morning, my father will probably get angry with me if I were to return today. I shook my head I looked back to Midoriya.

" Listen, we don't have to rush into that right away. I still have my father to worry about, and it would be unfair to you if we only told your mother."

" What about your mom?"

" I already know what her answer would be. She'd be happy as long as I was happy with my choices. So she doesn't really count."

" I guess. But yeah, I think I'd have to ease my mom into the fact that I'm with you. She'll probably freak out on the spot if I don't."

I nod and we finish setting up our plans for tomorrow so we could eat lunch, seeing that it was already past noon.

AN: Here's chapter five. I'm starting to run out of ideas of what they could do for the rest of the day for them. But the next day I'll be able to come up with something seeing as it's going to be their dork date ^\\\^ I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

<<<To Be Continued>>>

Burning Love Can Hurt [Tododeku Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now