Burn Ten

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School had ended and I was walking with Midoriya to a convenience store, as we needed a few things for dinner. We shared the latest topics on Pro Heroes, talked about our internships, our hero names, our grades and classes. We were still talking about the internships by the time we entered the store.

Midoriya went off to pick up the food that we would need to cook ourselves, while I went off to the pharmacy section of the store. There was something I needed to buy without Midoriya knowing or seeing until the time was right.

I was wandering the personal health section and came across an aisle where I could find what I was looking for. I scanned the shelves and found the box, so I quickly grabbed one and headed for the register. After I purchased the item, I quickly stashed the box into my bag as I heard Midoriya coming up to me.

" Hey, Shoto! I've got everything we'll need for dinner tonight."

" I thought we were going pick our dinner together." I smirked.

" Well, tonight's different... I want to cook for you... if you don't mind..."

I chuckled and ruffled his hair, " Of course I don't mind. I can't wait to try it."

Midoriya's face brightened when he heard me, and he nodded.

We purchased the food and left the convenience store, picking up our conversation before we entered the store. Eventually we started to talk about Iida and his brother.

" I haven't heard from Iida since he left today."

" Don't worry, he'll come around. Trust me."

" I hope you're right, Shoto."

I extended my hand for him to take a hold of, he did so and we walked back to my place hand-in-hand.

As soon as we got home, Midoriya started cooking in the kitchen. So I went to my room to unpack my bag and put the box I got in one of my drawers. We had homework to do, but we'd work on it together while we ate. Once I finished putting things away, I grabbed my homework and went back into the kitchen, only to be sent out into the living room. I was fine with it since Midoriya said it was a surprise, so I sat on the couch in the living room watching TV. I changed the channel to the news and cringed when they were talking about my father.

After about five minutes, the topic changed to the latest hero news. I wasn't too surprised at the first thing they decided to talk about, however, it was still a shock to finally know how injured Ingenium was from the villain. I went back to the beginning of the news on Iida's brother and called for Midoriya to come in. Once he did, I told him a few things before un-pausing the TV.

" It's about Ingenium. I figured you'd want to see it, but be prepared for the worst."

He gulped and slowly nodded, then he came over to the couch and sat down next to me. I un-paused the news and let it play out. They announced the villain responsible and his past crimes and what he did to other heroes. While watching this, I just hoped Iida wouldn't make any irrational decisions. We finished watching the news on Ingenium, and Midoriya went back to the kitchen in silence to finish cooking.

We ate and did our homework as usual, and I could only guess that cooking got his mind off things. I had put my books and papers back in my book bag before I came to the couch to lie down and think.

I kept thinking about the Bakugou ordeal from this morning, the internships, the incident with Ingenium, the Sports Festival, and what to do next in my relationship with Midoriya. So much was on my plate that I didn't think I could muster the strength to eat it all. While I was trying to manage my plate, Midoriya came into the living room and up to the couch before laying down on top of me.

" Hey, is there something wrong, Midoriya?"

I didn't get any form of a response. I gently wrapped my arms around him and buried my nose into his hair, taking in his cinnamon scent.

" If you're going through a tough time, just remember that I'm here for you. I always will."

" ... I know that, but... How do I know that I'm not burdening you?"

" You are not a burden, Midoriya. You never were and never will. If you're thinking about what happened this morning, forget about it. He was dragging both of us in so he could make you think that and tear you away from me, so he could beat you in a fight with me out of the way."

I felt Midoriya shudder and shake a bit before he proped himself on his elbows and leaned in close. My eyes went wide but soon closed as I accepted what was going on.

Midoriya landed a kiss on my lips.

I supposed it was his way of asking for comfort, and this was all he could think of at the moment. I gave him entry for him to delve deeper into the kiss, before I started to slowly take control of the situation. I soon pushed him away gently and looked him in the eyes, asking for an explanation or question.

" ... I didn't know what else to do to repay for your kindness... So I thought I'd... I'd give you..."

" Midoriya." I wore a sweet smile before continuing, " Don't feel like you have to repay me in any way. You don't have to, I know you're grateful and that's all I need. That and to see you smiling. So don't feel like you need to rush things, we can take this at your pace."

" ... Okay... But you know I love you... right?"

" Of course I do, and I love you too. To the moon and back, Izuku."

AN: I think I'll leave this chapter here for today. Srry that I haven't been too consistent with the updates, but I've been getting in as much writing time as I possibly can before, during, and after school. However, I've signed up for three different things that take up my lunchtime. I'm in Homecoming Committee, French club, and Art club. Today I had Hoco Committee meeting, and tomorrow I'll have a French club meeting to elect club officers. So anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic, should I add in my BNHA OC Kira? I'm currently using her in Regretful Past, but I want to know if you guys would like to see her appear in this fanfic as well. Let me know! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

<<<To Be Continued>>>

Burning Love Can Hurt [Tododeku Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now