Burn Four

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This week's going to be the last few days of warm weather before everything cools off for the winter season, and I plan on making the most out of it. Especially now that Midoriya and I are together. To be honest, I never thought that we'd end up like this. Falling for the other after something I thought as my biggest regret. I guess it wasn't that big of an error than I originally thought it was, so I guess things worked out in the end.

After yesterday, I felt more confident in confronting everyone again. Everyone was kind and understanding when I told them why I did what I did, and they greeted me with open arms and big smiles. I could tell Midoriya was happy for me because of his goofy, but adorable, smile. Bakugou, however, was still like he was yesterday. Like Izuku said, he was definitely acting different. Though, this change in behavior wasn't going to concern me for the time being. Unless he tries anything with Midoriya, then that'll be a whole different story.

It was nearing lunch in the day, and class was already feeling to drag on for too long. While Mr Aizawa was finishing up his lecture, slipping into his yellow sleeping bag all the while, my eyes kept wandering over to Midoriya. I didn't mean to but at the same time I kind of did. He's everything a that the word hero can't define. His heart and his passion for being a hero is strong, but he holds himself back for some reason. As much as I want to ask, I'll hold off on it and wait for the perfect timing.

The bell had finally rung and everyone in class stood from their desks and stretched. I did the same and walked over to my new partner to walk down to lunch. However, it seemed as though Bakugou wanted to intervene.

" Yo, Icy-Hot! Hey, I'm talking to you!"

" What is it that you want from me?"

I knew that everyone could feel the air around us had gotten cold and still, but to me, it felt like a hot and intense moment. I don't want Midoriya to feel like he's the one to blame if there's conflict between me and anyone else.

" What I want is a re-match from yesterday!"

" When do you ever stop being childish? If I remember correctly, you were the one who almost sent Midoriya to the infirmary yesterday had I not jumped in to stop you."

He stopped there, even though he looked like he was about to retort, as he knew he'd lose some of his "reputation" among his few friends.

I looked over to Midoriya and nudged my head in the direction of the cafeteria. He nodded, stood, and followed me there.

After we got our food, we sat down next to each other and started talking to pass the time for Iida and Uraraka to come to the table.

" I didn't get an answer from you yesterday, but could I know what happened between you and Bakugou from your fight?"

" Oh, I didn't answer you? I'm sorry!"

" It's fine. I don't want you to answer if you don't want to, so if you don't then I won't pressure you into telling me."

" You know, you're a very respectable person. Anyway, I can tell you since it wasn't anything too bad, at least, in my opinion." He took a bite from his ramen noodles before continuing, " Mm! So, Kirishima ended up being captured by the villain team so I went to try and save him but that's when Kacchan came up. I told him that I was going to save Kirishima from him no matter what, and I think that might've made him tick, because he started going on about how weak I was and all of that. So we got into a huge fight, nearly inflicting bodily harm, and then that's when you came."

" If that's all that was about, then why were you so much quieter than before?"

" What do you mean?"

" I think he said something more than what you told me. As I was rushing over to stop him, I saw that he said something and you froze."

" .... Oh... He told me that my mother must've regret having a son like me... I wouldn't blame him, though, since I think that myself sometimes..."

How could that bastard say that to him?! I couldn't believe that hot-headed prick said that to Midoriya right before I got there. As much as I wanted to find Bakugou and make him pay for what he said, I needed to take Midoriya's mind off of it. An idea popped into my mind so I held his hand from under the table and looked into his eyes.

" I just thought of something. How about after school we walk around town for a while? We can do whatever you like."

" Really?"

I nod with a smile. He smiles back and tightens his grasp on my hand as a way to say yes.

The rest of the school day went by quick, and the whole time I saw Midoriya wear a small smile, which in turn, made me smile. Once we changed our shoes, we grabbed our bags and headed toward the station. After we got off the train, we went into a small convenience store and bought some snacks for our walk.

The walk was refreshing and the view of the sunset was one to remember. Midoriya led the way for a small sight seeing trip, and all the while he kept wearing his bright smile. It might've been just me, but I think the sun made his smile even brighter.

" ... and over there is the Heroes Museum! Hey! Do you think we could go there together some time? I think you'd like it!"

" That sounds like a great idea. Hey, isn't your popsicle going to melt in that bag?"

" Waah! I almost forgot about it!"

We both laughed and continued on our walk.

The sun had gone under the water and we were on our way back to our homes when I decided to ask him something pertaining to tonight.

" Instead of going our separate ways tonight, do you think we could spend the night together at my place?"

" What about your father?"

" Oh, I forgot to mention, we won't be at my family home, no. Instead, we'd be staying in a cozy home for two within the town. My mother used to stay there before my father sent her to the hospital, so we could use that."

" Are you sure you won't mind me being there?"

" I'm sure. So, shall we get going?" I extended my hand for him to take hold, and when he did, we set off for the house.

When we got there, we both went into the bedroom to change and get ready for bed. After which, we fell asleep together.

AN: Okay, so I'm going to put up the updates I forgot to put up so here you go! I'll finish up on the update for Twisted Fate and then head on over to Incurable. In this chapter I really wanted Izuku and Todoroki to go on their first date (they themselves didn't know it was one) so this is what I thought would be appropriate for a first date. I thought it was really cute ^///^ So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!!!

<<<To Be Continued>>>

Burning Love Can Hurt [Tododeku Fanfic] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now