Chapter 4 ~. Disasters around every turn

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When we finally had gathered food in an old hiking back pack of Stephen's, and he had grabbed items of his own, it was finally time to get out of this hell hole of a house, only one problem, the dead neighbors have surrounded the exits and were more then likely going to get shred to pieces if we even take one step outside, but I think I will take my chance, Stephen has a sister and I don't want to run into her.

'We're wasting our time just sitting here waiting while Stephen mourns.' I thought to myself while I was anxiously looking out windows for a clearing in the hoard, of course there wasn't any.

"Hey, I know you lost your family, but you're going to lose your other family, *cough* us *cough*, if we don't get moving sometime today." Ella said as if reading my mind.

"Yeah I guess you're right..." Stephen said picking up his hiking bag up off the floor.

"Well she usually is right." Jenessa chimed in, making Stephen grin.

Around this time we could here banging echoing off all the walls of the 3 story house of hell, not to exaggerate or anything.

"I swear to the potato gods Stephen if we die in this house because you won't hurry the crap up I'm going to hit you as a ghost!" I said becoming terrified of being killed.

"Yeah yeah I'm hurrying!" Stephen snapped back, he was moving but not quick enough for my liking. Since we were all carry small packs of water or foods or something, I ran to the kitchen to grab something we all should have had, a flimsy kitchen knife... couldn't really think of anything else in this house that could be useful.

"Why the hell do you need a knife Lila?! You are clumsy enough as is! Don't add a knife to the conclusion!" Jenessa shrieked at me.

"Did you want one to? There's a lot of them in the butcher's block in the kitchen!" I exclaimed starting to walk back to the kitchen ignoring Jenessa's weird comments on how I was going to end up killing myself. Of course she followed me anyways.

"Whatever fine give me the butcher's knife."

"No I wanted that one!" Ella said running into the kitchen last second.

"No take the Slicer! I want the big knife!" Jenessa whined sounding like a little kid not getting what they want.

    "Wait what there's a knife called slicer?! I AM SO TAKING THAT ONE INSTEAD!!!" I yelled lunging towards the cabinet with the knife block

    "Woah girls fighting over knives? This day really has been odd!" Stephen said nonchalantly walking into the kitchen

    "I think I want a hammer instead of a knife, since you guy are taking the awesome sounding ones." Ella said turning to Stephen, to which I'm assuming, ask where the hammer was.

    "Under the sink." he replied pointing in the direction of Ella's new murder tool

    Ella approached the sink eagerly to find her new weapon of death

    "Found it!!!!" She yelled sounding way too excited, her sentence followed by evil laughter.

     Was she going to kill Us with the hammer? She can't punch hard so I will assume she can't swing the hammer that hard either, she would be more dangerous with a gun since her family is into hunting and she is at a shooting range every Sunday. She could easily mow us down if she had a gun, but she won't since we are all best friends... well I hope she won't anyways!

     "Lila, snap out of it!!!" Jenessa yelled at me, breaking me out of my thought.

    "Snap out of what?" I replied wondering what she was talking about

    "You were just standing there staring at the wall, you even stopped blinking for a few minutes! It was kinda weird."

    Before I could comment on her statement, the sounds of wood being split and broke open echoed through the house, causing Ella to jump.

   "Run" was the only word I could muster before I darted up the stairs with everyone on my track

  We are going to die.. Again

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