Chapter 6 .~ Do you need a dress in a zombie apocalypse?

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"Where do we go now? Did you remember?" Stephen asked me, while looking through his bag.

"Uh yeah, Jenessa's place. So she can stay with her parents if she would like, because we are not going to be able to fit all of us in this purple death trap."

"There is no way I would leave you guys, but there is no way I would leave my parents either!" Jenessa fought back angrily. She looked as though she went into a thought, and then quickly teared up.

"Well I don't know how we would all go on! we have to move on sometime! Lila really could go with anyone! she doesn't have anyone to lose anymore! and I don't really either." Stephen replied back. The air was somewhat tense and uncomfortable. We sat in silence for most of the time, occasionally yelping when Ella had to swerve out of the way of someone, or something.

"You're wrong Stephen.. I do have something to lose, it's my friends, my dog, and myself. Maybe you should think over what we all have to lose." I said after a few minutes of silence. It didn't bother me what he said, but he should think a bit more.

Stephen sighed in response, which made the rest of this car ride silent, tense, and irritating.

The roads were cluttered with psychotic paranoid drivers. Jenessa sat, crying into my dog, which kind of worried me, and made me worry about the poor animal. Hoagie sat staring at me with pleading eyes, hoping for me to take him away from the blubbering girl.

Ella took the back roads to avoid many of the drivers. Why do I feel we are going to die very early on?


The roads to Jenessa's house were quiet, mostly because they just lead to Canada after a while, but for now we are just getting to Jenessa's house.

As we turned left on Wirshland Street, it was apparent the place was deserted, many of the neighbors around were driving out, or still packing. Many were scouring to pack and leave, but some just locked there doors and hid. They are making a mistake.

When we pulled into Jenessa's driveway, she quickly jumped out, Hoagie finally escaping her grasp. She ran in through the open door, into the quaint log cabin. I tied Hoagie's leash around one of the front seats, and quickly hurried after my group, which had ran in after Jenessa.

I walked up to the porch, watching as the neighbors flee and evacuate. They looked at me for a brief second, wondering as to why I am not fleeing with them, but then they drive off without another care.

I walked through the open front door, taking notice of different colored spots on the walls from where pictures use to be hanging. Her parents must have already packed up.
"Lila hurry up you slow poke!" Ella yelled to me from down the hall. I have only been to Jenessa's house once or twice, so this is still a guessing game.

I begrudgingly walked down the trashed hall, wanting to leave for Montana. I don't want to be stuck with people who will get me killed, don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but I can't help them when I'm dead.

As I entered the area of Ella and the others, I was greeted with a flying drawer. I screamed and dropped to the ground to avoid a wooden punch.

"What the fuck Jenessa?!" I shrieked at the raging Brunette. Her eyes went wide as she realized she almost hit me with her fit of madness.

"Oh my god Lila!!!" Jenessa freaked, holding her hands behind her back. My heart was pounding from that sudden scene. I nodded, frenzy in my eyes. I stood up and dusted myself off.

Jenessa started crying, and dropped to the floor. Ella sat down beside her, and Stephen stood in the corner, unsure of what to do.

"T-They... left m-me!" Jenessa cried out between sobs. I felt disdained at the news, immediately knowing her parents had left, I could have guessed by the rummaged room we were in, and the photo-less... Well everything.

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