O noes u just saw a GHOST RIGHT BEHIND YOU OOOOH it was do Scarry you made a pee pee in your pants and now ur friends be laugh at u cause of reasons. U told them that it was real but they didn't believe u cause ur dumb then they threw bricks at you. Then u told ur mom and she flushed you down the toilet for lying. It was dark in tah sooers and u couldn't see nothing but started hearing voices. U ran down the sewers away from da voice but slipped and fell in poop. U got up and started running. Den, there wasa light approaching and it was weird so just then when it couldn't get any worse the ghost came out and ATE U OMG RUN Y U DU DAT JSJDVAKDBEGSHDHUAJABWJJSNSH
Teh Scawwiest Story EVERRRR
HorrorR u gaise redi 4 da spoopyest scariest storri in al of existnsh? WEL BE REDI 2 BE SPOOOOOOOKD Also, this is a joke. Do not take the story seriously or else I will pee on your grandmother. Be warned...