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Instead of rushing to pack up his stuff like everyone else did, Caleb took his time putting his notebooks into his backpack.

Usually, he did so only because he didn't see the point of rushing. Also because he liked to linger around a bit longer to stare at Professor Crowe.

But today, he actually wanted to run out. But he couldn't. Why? 'Cause he had to talk to Professor Hot Stuff.

Caleb was nervous. He hated getting disciplined. He didn't know if detention existed in college. And to be honest, he wasn't too keen on finding out.

He watched as the professor walked over to the classroom's door and locked it before making his way back over to his desk and sitting.

"You can come down here, Caleb. I don't know why you're so far away. I don't bite."

Caleb almost believed that statement. But Professor Crowe looked like the biting type.

"Right. S-sorry."

Why am I such a mess right now? Get yourself together, fucker!

The curly-haired boy drew in a deep breath to calm his Harlem shaking nerves before descending down the rows of seats and heading to the professor's desk.

"I know it's early in the school year. Too early to be handing out punishments..." Professor Crowe began as Caleb neared his desk.

"I don't want us to get off on the wrong foot." He took off his glasses and ran a hand through his hair to collect all of the loose strands. "You're a nice kid. I care about every student that steps foot in this class."

He paused, thinking. "Well ... just about every student. You're one of the students I care deeply about."

Caleb smiled a little. "Thank you, sir." He thanked meekly.

"What do you want to do as a career?" He enquired, staring up at the brunet with intense, yet soft eyes.

"I uh ... w-want to make music, sir."

"Really? Do you sing? Rap? Produce?"

"I do it all, s-"

"Please don't call me sir. It makes me feel old. And believe it or not, I'm not that much older than you I presume." He smiled cheekily, his eyes smiling along with him. "Please, call me Yuno."

Caleb nodded. "Okay ... Yuno."

"What got you in to psychology?"

Caleb was a bit confused. He thought that Yuno had asked him to stay after so he could scold him or something but here he was ... chatting it up with him.

"Uh ... I wish to learn more about myself and the world. Why we act the way that we do."

Yuno slowly nodded, drinking in Caleb's appearance.

He had felt this way about a student he taught before. However, he didn't have the actual urge to act on said attraction. And he knew he only liked the student based off of looks.

But with Caleb ... he felt drawn to him. He had a beautiful face, voice.

Yuno wanted to get to know him better.

However ... there was only one obstacle.

"I see you know Minho. Are you two dating?" He asked, not really caring if he overstepped a boundary or anything.

Something told him that Caleb wouldn't tell.

"How did you know I was gay?"

"I saw the face you made when I said you were looking at Alyssa's boobs earlier."

"Oh." There was a pause on Caleb's behalf.

"No. Minho's not my boyfriend. I don't know him that well. We just moved in together."

"I see. Well, steer clear of him. I hear he's nothing but bad news."

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