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Mr. Hot Stuff
And please. Outside of classes, please call me Yuno. That's my name. Calling me Mister Crowe makes me sound old and Professor Crowe is a mouthful.

Caleb nodded. Saying Professor Crowe was definitely a mouthful. And he liked mouthfuls. But not mouthfuls of words.

More like mouthfuls of food. Drinks. Cu-

"Hey Caleb. Who are you texting this late at night?" Minho looked over at the younger from his spot on the sofa. It was nearly 1am.

People were still awake at this time?

"A friend."

"You have those?"

Caleb rolled his eyes and retorted back in the same tone, "you mind your fucking business?"

There was a pause before he got up. "Evidently not." And then he left, retreating into his bedroom.

Minho watched as Caleb walked away, his eyes drifting down to the male's rather attractive ass. And then he sighed.

"You're gonna get yourself into something I won't be able to help you out of."


Caleb walked into his makeshift music studio the next morning, turning on the light and pulling his robe a bit closer to him.

Today he didn't have any classes. He also didn't have to work. So he'd try to make as much music as possible. Because who knew when he'd get another day like this.

Caleb's phone vibrated with another text after he sat down. And he pulled out his phone to check it.

Mr. Hot Stuff
So you don't have classes today. That's okay. If you want, you can still stop by and we can study. Or, if you're down, we can meet at a cafe or something and study there?

If you're down? Caleb arched a brow. How old did Yuno say he was again?

Okay. That sounds like a plan. Just send me the time and the location and I'll be down.

This wasn't weird, right? Studying in a cafe with your professor outside of classes. It wasn't weird?

No. Not really. It isn't.

Caleb nodded at the self-affirmation and then began his work.

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