Chapter 31

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I turned around and faced Drew as he sat on my bed with a smile already making himself at home.

"Just had to get me to your bed as soon as possible, huh?"

"Shut up! Seriously."

I practically yelled at him already getting stressed from the situation.

"Who were those guys? I don't remember you being that kind of girl."

"Still with the jokes? Can you just stop that?"

I looked at him to see his serious face.

"Who were those guys, Sam?"

No time like the present.

"They're these guys that, uh, now live here."


"Remember that guy Drake? From when we went to hang out?"

"Yeah," he paused as his faced showed a bit surprise as if he caught something. "Now that you mention it I'm pretty sure I saw him downstairs too."

"Remember what he said that night?"

"No. Why? Should I?"

I sighed.

Guess I'll have to start from the beginning.

"You see my mom found these guys living on the street with no way to really get through life so she took them in. They live here now."

There. That wasn't so hard.

"What? Why would she do that? Is this even safe? I mean both physically and emotionally? Just a year ago-"

"I know! You don't have to remind me."

I turned my head to the side and looked down at the ground felling the tears threatening to fall.

I should have known it wouldn't be this easy. This is Drew after all.

"I don't like it. What if they do something to you?"

To late for that.

"Don't worry. They won't do anything," I lied trying to keep my voice still so I didn't sound like I was about to cry.

"You don't know that."

That is true. I don't know if they will listen to Christopher.

"Drew just trust me. It's been like two weeks now and they haven't really done anything to me."

Drew got up and walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Samantha, I don't like this. I just don't trust them."

I sighed.

"I promise to talk to you if anything does happen."

His face lit up just a little with my promise but it still was full of worry. But he shoved down that worry and forced out a smile.

"Okay. I trust you. Tell me if anything happens to you. If they do anything to you I'll never forgive them."

I laughed a little. "Who are you, my dad? Clam down a little."

He laughed to himself only a little. We locked eyes and Drew came closer to me and pulled me into another hug. His head rested at the crook of my neck and his hands hovered slightly above my waist. My heart started to pick up speed at his position on me.

"You really scared me being gone for so long."

His voice was quiet and I almost didn't hear it. I wrapped my arm around him and used the other free hand to lightly rub his hair.

"I'm sorry. I'll try not tot do that again."

He got up almost reluctantly and looked at me with meaningful eyes burning with desire and questions.



Why did I ever break up with him?

We stayed there looking at each other in silence for a bit and the only thing that reminded me that time was moving was my rapid heart beat. As time went on my heart got a little faster and I kept asking myself why.

Why did I break up with him?

In these moments I really questioned it.

As I looked at him it felt like he was closing in on me getting closer with each second.

Wait a minute, he is!

I forced out a laugh and turned my back on him and put my hand on the doorknob. As I did I felt his hands slip off in disappointment and I could tell he wasn't happy with what I did.

"We should get out before they think somethings happening."

"So what if they did?"

I stopped myself from turning around to look at him thinking he'd use that to his advantage and continue from earlier.

"What do you mean?"

He had to be kidding, right?

"C'mon Sam. You can't still think it's over. I mean it was just after your brother died. I don't think you were thinking right so you went to drastic measures and-"

"Drew," I cut him off getting angry. "Stop it. We've been over this many times before. It's over."

He was quiet probably from being rejected by me once again but I wouldn't break. I promised him. I promised Justin I would break up with him. He had a reason, I just know he did. He would never ask of something unless he had a reason. Sadly he's no longer here to tell me that reason.

"C'mon. It's getting late. You should get home."

I opened my door and headed out knowing he would follow.

I'm really sorry Drew. I wish I could tell you, I really do, but I don't know myself the reason.

I started heading downstairs and saw that the guys weren't crowded at the door.

Good. No distractions.

I got to the front door and then looked behind me to see if Drew was following me. He was and he kept his head down looking off to the side like he didn't want ace me.

"Thank you again for coming. It really made me happy."

He looked at me shocked at what I said but quickly looked back off at the side. He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked up to me only to grab the door knob.

"No problem. See ya at school tomorrow."

I moved to the side as he opened the door and walked out closing the door behind him.

It hurt just a little to see him leave like that.

I put the thought aside and headed to the living room to see if the guys were there and wouldn't you know it, they were. They were whispering amongst themselves but when one of them caught sight of me they all stopped and turned to look at me.

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