Chapter 3

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--------Sasha's POV-------

The man's powerful voice sounded familiar, but I wasn't sure where I'd heard it before. As he spoke about how dangerous citizens with disabilities must be eliminated, Cahya began to tremble and turn pale, silent tears tracking their way down her cheeks. Worry grew within me and I recalled the first and last time I had ever seen Cahya's strong facade crumble away....

My dad opened the door to welcome in the Neverseen agents standing a few feet away. I was intrigued by the secrets that seemed to cloak them as darkly as the hoods that shadowed their faces. When they stepped forward, I saw that a slender figure was standing behind them. With her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, it took me a minute to recognize her as my usually spirited and strong cousin, Cahya. Pushing her forward none too gently, the taller agent stated,

"Lyra, Esmé and Wren Sau have been placed under arrest for a discovery of their dangerous disabilities. As her closest relative, it is your responsibility to care for Chya Sau until a permanent guardian is located."

My father's face clouded with betrayal, as he realized that his brother, Wren had been hiding a disability that made him a danger to all those that loved him his entire life.

He seemed to hide away his emotions as he said in a flat voice, "I will be her permanent guardian. After all, I am her uncle and it is my duty to care for my family when such a... dangerous situation arises. I trust she will be monitored closely for symptoms of a disability as well."

"Of course. I shall bring the official adoption papers for you to sign tomorrow. Thank you for your contribution to the safety of our community. We will meet again," the second agent whispered smoothly before stepping back towards the door. They turned away together, disappearing into a stream of light created by a path finder that he held. The minute they vanished, I rushed forward to Cahya, who had sank down onto the floor, trembling and sobbing.

I reached out towards Cayha, just as her body went rigid. Her eyes lit up with a fury born from deep within her and she let out gasp.

The breathless gasp was mirrored by the man in my father's office.

"Lord Ruy are you alright?", my father asked his voice concerned, but quiet. There was no response.

I heard a light thud, and turned to see Cahya collapsed on the stone floor of the passageway, her arms splayed out beside her.

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