Chapter 4

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--------Cahya's POV-----------

My eyes fluttered open when I felt the tender touch of Sasha's cool hands on my forehead. They soothed me and anchored me to the present. I released the extra energy building within me with a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

"Cahya, are you okay?" Sasha spoke in a strained whisper, her delicate eyebrows creased with concern.

I placed my elbows behind me, feeling the damp and cold dirt flooring beneath me and pushed myself into a sitting position, "Not dead yet... What happened?" My voice came out as a croak, and I felt as though my throat was filled with sand.

"We were listening to Lord Ruy talking to my dad in his office, when you began to tremble and turn pale. You collapsed, and I- I was so worried."

I grasped Sasha's outstretched hand and pulled myself up, picking up my sword that had fallen beside me.

"I was overwhelmed with my memories of that day... " my voice faltered.

Sasha's face softened, " I'm so sorry Cahya. I know it was hard for you."

"Thank you for always being there for me. I don't know what I would do without you."

We walked slowly throughout the passageways, emerging from behind a small shelf in the weapon storage room. I tucked my sword into a dark green holder, running my fingers over the name adorned on it.

"Come on, Let's get going!" Sasha exclaimed, panic creeping into her voice. We were trying to avoid Lord Terron, Sasha's father, who'd grill her about Sasha's progress in fighting.

We walked towards Sasha's bedroom on the third floor, keeping to the less commonly used routes. As we passed the beautiful stained glass windows framing the main entrance to the house, we passed Sasha's father, who was briskly walking to the front door.

"Hello, girls. I'll see you in the dining hall later for dinner." His voice was tense and measured and he brushed past them without a second glance.

"Where do you think he's going? I heard him ask Lord Ruy if he was okay in the office. Maybe he's getting help for Lord Ruy?" Sasha wondered as she made to continue towards her room.

"Just to clarify, you're planning to continue to your room when something interesting has happened to Lord Ruy in your dad's office? We have the perfect opportunity to follow him ad you're just going to toss it away and wait in your room like the obedient daughter you are," my voice was filled with incredulity.

Sasha glanced sideways as her father opened the front door and tugged me into a corner of the hallway, beside a heavily embroidered tapestry, "Well Cahya, this could be confidential or a private meeting. If we got caught we would be in serious trouble- not just from my father, but the Neverseen as well."

"We better not get caught then." I twisted out of her grip, preparing to stealthily follow Lord Terran and the new guest. 

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