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The soft tune of music filled the vacant hallways

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The soft tune of music filled the vacant hallways. Resonating over the cream coloured walls.

Anthea's fingernails tapped against the wooden surface-matching their rhythm along with the music flowing through the creeks of the doors to the studio.

As her work was done for today, she let her mind flow and think about mindless things. Her worries, her problems and her ridiculous theories were out like fire.

She wondered why people in this generation had lost the love for their passion. The busy schedules and never ending deadlines making it impossible to spend even a fraction of time in the matters that really were of interest.

She wondered how people had become obsessed with materialistic things, rather than the little acts of love that didn't really involve a person spending a large sum of money for a useless object that would eventually loose its purpose or shape.

She sighed, her blue eyes watching the long hand on the clock as it slowly turned towards the shorter one. Her shift was officially closing to its end, yet here she was, thinking of how she didn't feel like going back home.

In all the twenty four years that she's lived for, she never once could call her house, home. It was just another place for her to sleep. Don't get it wrong, she did appreciate the roof over her head, but she just couldn't ever feel comfortable in it.

The dread of going back to the cold bed and the frigid empty rooms made the girl frown deeply. But then that frown deepened when she noticed who came in through the doors.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." The boy with dirty blonde hair rushed through, throwing his bag over the desk and taking out his ID card.

"You don't have to show it. I know who you are." Anthea explained seeing how the male's eyes widened at that. He quickly smiled before taking the pen that was placed limp on the auburn wood surface and signed away in the register.

"By the way, are you free tonight?" He asked, once done with his work. "I'd like to take you out for dinner."

The girl kindly refused by shaking her head. "I have to head home. Theo's alone."

She heard the blonde sigh. "Well, how about tomorrow?"

"Jimin." She sternly replied. "We're over. Remember?" And she couldn't feel the pain in his heart when those words left her mouth.

"Well, I'm not asking you out. I just want to have coffee with a friend who I want to catch up with." And no matter how hard she'd told herself that her and him had never had a chance, her heart felt weird when he said friend.

"Please? Just for old times sake." He pleaded once again, his brown chocolate swirling with emotions, looking directly at the ocean blues of the girl before him.

Anthea sighed loudly, before nodding lightly. "I'll see. I need to check my shift tomorrow."

Jimin smiled brightly, eyes disappearing into tiny creseants and his pearl whites on display as he happily looked at her. "Of course. Just let me know." And with that he rushed inside the studio, being twenty five minutes late.

Anthea couldn't help but smile remembering the way his face morphed into such a grin. Chuckling at her own memory of picturing him as the most perfect being on the world, she grabbed her handbag and scarf before heading out. Being done for the day.

Meeting Jimin had brought back many memories that she wanted to forget. She thought after their breakup, she'd be able to spend some time at peace. But that was her thinking too soon, as she had forgotten that Jimin was a choreographer at the dance institute she worked at. The two having their fateful meeting in that profession as well. But she didn't want to think about it, not anymore.

It was getting colder. The sun had quickly fled the skies and the night sky was on display. Surprisingly, the moon didn't show up today.

She saw people making their way back home, the hustling of footsteps echoing the station as she climbed the train to her place.

Her shoes were clanking against the gravel, as she walked the sidewalks after her ride in the crowded train. Her breaths being let out in puffs that were visible in the cold air.

She wrapped her scarf around herself tighter, suddenly feeling the breeze pick up and in the midst of it, felt her hair going haywire.

"Curse this day!" She mumbled under her breath, trying her best to do both the tasks at the same time. But as she did those, her eyes managed to look at a cafe right across the street. A cafe where in she heard a person playing the piano beautifully.

Her curiosity picked up, as she excitedly ran up to the side of the street. Almost as if she wasn't moody just a few minutes ago.

The large window to the cafe allowed her to see the person who sat on the elegant grand piano placed at the centre of the cafe.

She noticed his hands swiftly moving to create the beautiful sound. His eyes closed as he tried to focus all of his energy into making this piece of music memorable to everybody who heard it. However, it saddened Anthea to see how the people that were inside the cafe were totally unmoved by the music. Taking it for granted. Not giving it the appreciation it deserved.

As an artist herself, she felt her heart move at the thoughts that the person produced by the delicate presses of his fingertips.

It was a shame, though, that the person playing had a black mask covering his lower face.

Anthea's feet didn't feel like moving. As if they'd found their rightful place. So she stood there for the rest of the time the person played the piano.

But the moment he was done, and the last key that was pressed bounced back up, black eyes met blue.

And you could say that Anthea felt herself being absorbed into the vortex that were the male's eyes. Totally unaware of how their lives would change form this moment onwards.


Hope you liked it so far!!

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