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"Noona, I really want to go have something to eat!"

Jungkook - who had now become quite comfortable with Anthea - complained from the backseat of her car. She had to admit, the first impression of the male being shy and quiet that she'd created was all thrown away the moment he opened his annoying mouth for the nth time today.

"Jungkook, its already late. Do you think there'll be any restaurants opened at this unearthly hour?" Hoseok asked from the passenger seat, already being tired of the younger's constant nagging.

"But...!" Jungkook argued again.

"Okay! Okay! How about we search for a restaurant that would be open at this time of the day, in silence." Anthea spoke exasperatedly, honestly being quite pissed off with his behaviour. Jungkook having sensed the sudden change in her tone only nodded silently.

And thus began their journey of finding an open restaurant at 11 in the night. And it wasn't a surprise that they found none open.

With a defeated heart, Jungkook asked Anthea and Hoseok to drop him home. The girl felt guilty and promised to treat him to lunch tomorrow which made Jungkook's mood slightly better.

Just when they were going to turn a corner, Hoseok suddenly yelled. "That one's opened."

And it sure was. But what surprised Anthea that it was the same café wherein she had met the mysterious man called Yoongi: Vante cafe.

"Oh! Let's go, let's go!" Jungkook yelled from his seat, patting the headrests of the two oldest's seats in the front.

Cracking a smile, Anthea pulled up near the cafe and shifted the gear on park. Jungkook excitedly ran out and entered the cafe while Hoseok and Anthea took their own sweet time.

The little bell ringed as Jungkook opened the door, finding only one person seated near the piano playing a beautiful symphony. He felt mesmerised by it and decided to just stand there and not disturb the concentrating older male.

Anthea and Hoseok walked in and also noticed the man playing the piano. But the only difference was that Anthea was aware of the man's name and had met him almost thrice in the span of just a month.

A man walked in the seating area, possibly alerted by the ringing of the bell on the door. "I'm sorry, but we're closed." He spoke, crushing all hopes that Jungkook had initially.

"How come? Aren't you supposed to opened if you're one of the most popular cafes in the area?" Hoseok argued, even though he knew his justification would get him nowhere around winning the debate. He wanted his friend to be happy and his possessive older brother instincts didn't go unnoticed by the others in the room.

Well, all but Jungkook as he is a little slow with these things.

"Well...due to technicalities we had to close early today." The man, who Anthea recognised to be as the young owner of the café, replied whilst scratching the back of his nape.

All this confusion and possible dispute caused Yoongi to abruptly stop playing the piano. He looked up only to lock eyes with Anthea's. "Ugh, its you again." His raspy voice complained and the girl couldn't help but feel slightly offended at his tone of speech.

"Hey, aren't you the same guy who came to deliver chicken at Jungkook's place last week?" Hoseok loudly asked, resulting in Yoongi sheepishly ducking his head in embarrassment of being known as a delivery man and caused Anthea to start blushing as she remembered what the male had told them about flirting with one another that evening.

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