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Yoongi couldn't believe what his mother blurted out. All he wanted to do was spend some time with her in the hospital for the last time before he left for work and his father dropped her home, but instead his mother asked from him an even greater wish.

"Yes. I want you to go and get my stuff from Busan." She was firm on her statement as she continued knitting the scarf she was making for her dear son.

"Why Busan? Didn't we live in Daegu?" Yoongi argued. He couldn't understand why his mother asked for such a high request from him when she clearly knew his work schedule didn't match with it.

"Don't you know my maternal side is from Busan!" His mother kept arguing back, with no means of stopping. "Now go to work, you're leaving tomorrow afternoon." And with that Yoongi was kicked out of the room, much to his surprise.

"You should go." He heard a voice speak, Turing around he found none other than his father looking back at him. "It's your mother's wish, you shouldn't disappoint her."

"You're one to talk." Yoongi clicked his tongue as he swiftly walked by the older, bumping their shoulders on purpose.



Hoseok stood with his mouth wide as Anthea continued finishing up the last of her workload before she left for Busan the next day.

"And for how long are you going?!" The male yelled, causing the people around them to give him a side-eye. Anthea only chuckled in response as she stacked some papers before stapling them and handing it over the Hoseok.

"I don't know." She simply replied, causing the other to drop his jaw in surprise.

"You're joking, right?" He asked once again. "What did you tell our boss?"

"Oh nothing, I just told him I needed a leave and he was cool with it." Anthea smiled before once again handing out a stack of papers to Hoseok. "Now do you plan on going back to your class or do you wanna become my intern, hm?"

This caused Hoseok to come out of his trance and hand his friend back the papers before he returned back to his class, an enthusiastic Anthea wishing him luck along the way.

It was going to be her first time travelling after months, and she was extremely exciting. However much she wanted Hobi to tag along, she knew she had to make this trip alone.

And as she saw the familiar mob of dirty blonde hair walk in through the door with his head low, she made up her mind that she would have a quiet talk with him once she was back, for once and for all.


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