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Crowd, noise, warmth.

This is how it feels when you enter the train station during rush-hour.

Yoongi slowly made his way towards his designated platform number as he waited patiently for the train. But the more he stood in the crowd, next to the many people, and especially the ones that smoked and drank, he couldn't help but feel his heart beat race up.

Within a minute, Yoongi was struggling to breath, and his eyes frantically searched everywhere for an exit. For as long as he could remember, he had a problem with crowded places, especially ones where he was physically trapped, as they brought some tormenting memories from his childhood.

Yoongi tried power walking, but it seemed as though the strength in his legs had completely vanished. He was now trembling as he made his way towards the staircase, gripping onto the handle as though his life depended on it, and it very well did. He climbed up, one step at a time, but every step seemed taller than the last. And he was running out of breath.

Just then, he felt an arm caught onto his, as he was soon pulled to the top of the stairway, before making way towards the exit of the subway. Yoongi soon collapsed onto his knees, as he clutched his chest, trying to breath in. The same arm that brought him up soon lifted him slightly before dragging him to a place at the back of the subway where there were less people and Yoongi soon felt air fill up his chest once again.

After about a few minutes, Yoongi has enough energy to look up, and he was shocked to see none other than Anthea standing before him. She handed him a bottle of water, before she sat next to him on the pavement. Yoongi couldn't form any sentences, so he decided to remain calm as he kept the bottle in his hand, not drinking from it.

"Drink some water, you'll feel better." He heard Anthea speak, so he slowly took the cap of the bottle off before taking a big gulp. "Why travel from the train if you're claustrophobic?"

Yoongi sighed, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "I don't have a car. And it's cheap to travel by train."

"You can always take mine." Anthea promptly replied, causing Yoongi to widen his eyes and finally look at her. "Aren't we friends now? Anyway, where are you headed?"

"Why, you planning to drop me?" Yoongi responded. He was tired of finding her everywhere he goes, but this time he was grateful that she helped him.

"Maybe, if it's on the way to where I'm going." She responded before taking the bottle from his hand and drinking from it. "So, where are you headed?"

Yoongi sighed once more before responded. "Busan."

"Oh what a coincidence! I'm headed right there too!"

And Yoongi could swear he felt a vein in his body pop off from the frustration.


Pretty short chapter, but I'm happy to announce that this is where things start getting more fun in this story! Yay!

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