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The bell silently chimed as Anthea and Hoseok entered the little cafe, on the girl's wish. Instantly, the smell of caffeine and freshly-baked muffins wafted in the couple's noses.

"Woah. How come I never noticed this cafe?" Hoseok asked, fascinated by the beautiful interior designing of the little space. The cafe had lounge couches, a mini-library in the corner and cute cutlery placed on the tables for show, along with beautiful art pieces displayed on the brown walls. But that wasn't what was the most surprising thing about this cafe.

The Steinway and son's grand piano was kept nearly in the centre of the floor space available. Its rich, black colour shining with pride, as the little golden spotlights hit it with their light.

It was unoccupied at the moment, and Anthea wondered where was the male who she saw the other day playing the very same instrument.

"How did they manage to fit such a large piano in such a small space!" Hobi exclaimed, coming down to whisper in his best friend's ear. She just giggled lightly before the two were welcomed by a waitress.

The waitress showed the two to their table and soon they sat with their noses in their respective menu cards.

"Is this really a cafe?" Once again, the red haired male exclaimed, this time a bit loudly which resulted in him earning a few looks and giggles.

"They seem to have everything over here." Anthea agreed, mumbling out a few names of some exotic names of dishes listed down on the menu - absolutely sure that her pronunciation wasn't even close to being right.

The waitress that escorted them to their seats, came back with a kind smile. "What can I get for you?" The two friends ordered their cups of coffee and pastries before engaging in their own conversation.

"So, how are you?" Hoseok began.

"To be honest, I don't know how I'm feeling these days. It's just that I'm really overwhelmed." Anthea sighed, massaging her temples as she thought about what Theo must be doing at home. She silently prayed for him to not eat anymore unedible things, as she continued. "It's stressful. Now more than ever as I've resumed work."

"Well, I'm glad that they agreed to take you in as the receptionist." Hobi spoke, optimistically before leaning back as the waitress placed their order before them.

A soft enjoy left the waitress' mouth as the two dug in. Now completely focused in munching down the delicious coffee and pastries that they'd asked for.

Suddenly, Anthea's sharp ears caught a loud giggle followed by a deep chuckle. Even in the noisy cafe, her head peeked up in curiosity as her beady eyes tried locating the source for the sound. Her ocean blue eyes looked around before they stopped at a couple standing not too far away.

The two were leaning onto the counter, the male having a black apron tied around his torso spelling vante. Vante was the name of this cafe, quite sweet and simple, and Anthea couldn't help but think that maybe he was the owner of this place.

No he's too young to be an owner of a successful city cafe. She thought before eyeing the woman next to him. She had beautiful curled ash-grey hair. Her delicate fingers gently fiddling with the strap of her purse, as she kept her eyes moving about. Possibly looking for someone.

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