Chapter Twelve

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Abigail's POV

He watches me as he walks towards me, maybe he is anticipating for me to try to turn and run back into the house but I won't. I'm far to curious of a person. 

I sigh. "What in the hell do you want River?" I ask.

He kneels down on the step just below where I'm sitting he pushes my legs apart and puts himself between them. His face close to mine, it makes my heart skip a beat as he runs his hands up my thighs.

"I wanna talk." He whispers staring into my eyes. 

It's silent for a long moment, I see the hurt clouding his eyes and it confuses me.

"Why'd you lie to me?" He asks confused.

I snort and roll my eyes. "I never lied about anything just because I didn't tell you she was my daughter doesn't mean I lied. If you assumed she was my sister that is your problem, maybe it teaches you not to assume shit." I say in my 'smart ass' tone and wink at him.

"That's not what I'm talking about, I mean yeah I admit that I did assume she was your sister but that is because you have a brother just two years older then her. How was I to know different?" He asks.

When I don't answer he continues. "You said I was the only guy you kissed right?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer bluntly. 

He knits his eyebrows in confusion. "Is she the only reason?" He asks.

"Isn't she reason enough?" I ask him.

"No, that's not even a reason." He growls.

"We're not having this conversation River." I say angrily I stand up and turn to go back into the house but he stops me before I can open the door.

He spins me around to face him. "We are so having this conversation." He says. "What you are saying doesn't even make sense."

"Tell ya what you go home, think about everything I told you and come up with your own theory when ya get one text me and I'll let ya know if you're right. I'm going to bed." I tell him pushing him away.

He grabs me again and I sigh. "Please Abby." 

I close my eyes for a moment and then open them to find his. His eyes are pleading with me, curiosity burning in them. I pull him into the house and shut the door quietly.

I pull him up the stairs and into my bedroom shutting the door turning the light on and facing him.

"Are you not with her dad or what?" He asks confused. "And like I said why'd you lie? I don't care if you were with other guys and accidentally got pregnant I-" I cut him off in irritation.

"I was raped River!" I yell.

He becomes still, he doesn't breath or move for a long moment. Anger and pain clouds his green eyes as he wraps his head around what I said. "What?" He asks.

I stare him dead in the eye as I answer him. "There was an end of the summer party that I'd been invited to. My friend's brother was holding the party he was like seventeen or so. I drank a couple beers and began to feel really off, so I went upstairs to lay down..." I trail off he clenches his jaw shaking his head in anger.

I swallow hard before continuing, I have never told this story apart from when I told it to my mom and the police. "Some guy came in the room, I didn't know him nor do I even remember it that well because I was drugged." I shrug. "He raped me. I tried describing him to the police but they couldn't do anything because I didn't know his name or hardly remember what he looked like." 

"About eight weeks later I began to realize I wasn't getting a period, I wasn't feeling to well I'd wake up in the morning and puke." His eyes are wide with horror but I ignore it. "Anyways I told mom and she had me take a pregnancy test, it was positive." 

"I-" I cut off trying to swallow back the bile that rose in my throat, I clear my throat. "I um was scared, mom insisted I do whatever I want it was my choice. I threw myself down the stairs at my house-" I cut off wiping the tears away. "To this day I still don't forgive myself for that..." I trail off.

"Falling down the stairs didn't cause me to miscarry so I went to an abortion clinic, they were just about to do it but I stopped them backed out at the very last minute. I thought that maybe I would just give the baby up for adoption." I explain.

"My mom helped me through my pregnancy, my father was... livid to say the least he blamed me for it mostly." I explain. "Anyway I had her, and nothing about adoption was set in stone. When I held her everything just changed..." I shake my head. "I may not know her dad, her dad may be a total piece of shit but she is mine. She looks just like me, reminds me of myself even when she talks. I love my daughter." I tell him.

He stares at me in shock, awe, pity...

"I don't want your pity, The reason that I don't want to date is because I don't need some guy coming into our lives and then break both our hearts by leaving. It's not just me I'm thinking about River I need you to respect that." I say sternly.

He swallow hard's. "Ya know I do pity you." He whispers. "You were put in a really bad situation Abby. You got consequences for something you weren't really responsible for." 

"I was River I was responsible for what happened too. I chose to go to that party and drink, knowing that drinking at my AGE was wrong." I huff.

"I admire you though." He whispers and I'm taken aback by the remark, he steps closer to me. "You took responsibility for her, you kept her... most girls at that age would have gotten an abortion or gave the kid up even ones that weren't even raped. They willingly had sex get pregnant then get rid of the kid. You're tough as fucking nails Abigail. You're amazing." He says standing chest to chest with me now.

"It doesn't change anything now that you know. I didn't wanna tell you because I don't want everyone looking at me how they did in Chicago." I mumble pathetically feeling suddenly vulnerable under his gaze.

"You're right." He whispers and nods.

I look up at him in confusion, I see his eyes cloud with the same emotions he had right before he kissed me. "It doesn't change a fucking thing, it doesn't make me want you any less." He says.

I'm taken by surprise at his words. "I can't." I shake my head.

"Don't you get it? I promised that I wouldn't hurt you, I meant it. You're worried that Amelia and you are going to get attached to me and that I am gonna just drop both of you? I don't run away like some fucking guys do. You are about to find out, you may not trust me right now but you will." He says.

He stares into my eyes, I freeze as his lips move closer to mine.


The influence he has over me is so strong that I can't move, if he kisses me I'm gonna give into it but to my surprise he presses his lips to my cheek near the corner of my mouth and backs away.

He takes one last look at me then turns around and walks out of my room, my heart melts at the gesture.

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