Chapter Six

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Abigail's POV

I grip the towel tighter opening the door. "River." I state. 

His eyes travel from my head to my toes, I love that he's looking at me my core gets hotter and wetter but I clear my throat, he smirks at me. "Nice towel."

"What the hell are you doing here, and how did you know where I lived?" I ask raising my eyebrows at him.

He chuckles. "Be polite sweetheart I let you stay in my house the least you could do is invite me in, and I'll tell you." 

I bite my lip but move away from the door curiosity getting the best of me, needing to know what the hell he could possibly want.

"If you think being a stalker is gonna get you a date with me River Addams you are sorely mistaking because I just ain't that kind of girl." I smirk.

"Oh and what kind of girl are you then Abigail?" He asks stepping closer I shove him back slightly.

"The kind who doesn't get on a dick that every woman in town has already rode. Answer my questions." I growl angrily.

"Wow." He says with raised eyebrows. "You're wrong but anyways. I got your address from Cindy you left your jacket at my place. Thought you might want it considering it has your wallet in it which has your license but not your current address." He explains pulling the jacket out from behind his back and handing it to me.

I rip it away from him trying to maintain the same level of anger but I hear a little voice behind me. "Whoa what a hunk!" Amelia hoots looking at River.

River looks down at her and smiles. "Hey cutie."

My stomach flips and I try hard not to laugh. 

"You should really get the right address on your license cops frown upon that." He says. 

I roll my eyes. "You're just such a law abiding citizen aren't you River?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Depends on the day love." 

"Don't call me that." I growl.

"Fine Abby." He says putting his hands up as if in surrender.

"Abigail." I correct. "Now if you don't mind get the fuck out of my house so I can get dressed."

Amelia runs off into the living room in a fit of giggles. River looks at me with a serious expression. "Why do you think the worst of me?" He asks softly. "You just assume like I am trying to sleep with you." 

"You aren't?" I ask sarcastically tilting my head. "Be serious River all men want one thing, you're wasting your time because you will not ever get it from me."

"I just wanted to take you on a date." He shrugs.

"Why you trying so hard?" I ask.

"I like you, I want to know you better." He shrugs.

"You like the chase." I fire back.

He sighs. "Whatever you say Abigail." He steps away from me and turns walking out the door shutting it.

I lock it behind him then turn my back pressing myself against the door and letting my head tilt back against the glass in irritation.

"You should of kissed him!" Amelia yells.

"Ewww." Cory says making a gag face.

"You two just go watch TV, I'm going to get dressed. You do NOT open this door." I huff.

They bow their heads and walk back to the living room. I feel bad for snapping at them it isn't their fault it's River's stupid jack ass! Who is incredibly fucking hot...

Shut up Abigail it'll never happen!

"Ugh!" I growl as I stomp up the stairs.

I'm not dating, men complicate shit I don't do complicated my life is plenty complicated as it is. A guy like River Addams is sure to only make it far more worse.

I quickly get dressed and head back down the stairs, I go into the kitchen to make Mac N' Cheese for lunch. There is another knock on the front door, I quickly walk over and unlock it. Calvin comes into the house. "Why the fuck you locking the door?" He asks.

I shrug.

"Paranoid fuck." He grunts.

"Asshole." I fire back.

He runs up the stairs straight to his room. Once I finish making the Mac N' Cheese I yell for Amelia and Cory. They come in sitting at the table and I set their bowls in front of them.

Then I quickly run up the stairs I knock on Calvin's bedroom door but no answer. "Cal!" I yell.

He can't hear me because he has his stereo cranked, I sigh and throw the door open.

Cal is laying on his bed with a joint in his mouth he coughs. "Get the fuck out!" He yells. I stomp over to his stereo and unplug it.

"Bitch!" He growls the joint still in his mouth I walk over take it out of his mouth and hit it. 

Calvin's jaw drops in shock and he begins to stutter, I hit it again and cough slightly. "Get your ass downstairs it's time to eat. Make sure you spray something this room smells like pot." I say in a hoarse voice and cough slightly more.

He doesn't say a word as I walk out of his room slamming the door shut. I head back downstairs grab my food and sit at the table, after a few minutes Calvin comes down and gets some food sitting down across from me.

"You gonna tell mom?" He asks.

"No." I say. "I smoke too occasionally, but seriously Cal if I find you're doing worse shit I'll cut your little pecker off." I threaten pointing the fork down at his crotch looking him dead in the eye.

"I'm not, I drink a little though." He admits. 

I nod in understanding. "Don't go out to random parties getting smashed Cal, you can party and still be a good fucking kid. Lose the damn attitude, what you give is what you get." I say.

"Come on we both know that's not always true." He says, looking at me with a sad expression.

"I meant the attitude if you have a good attitude you can expect others to have a good attitude towards you. If you're mad all the time Cal people are going to get tired of that shit. Take it from me, I was in your shoes at the same age." I grunt.

He sighs but nods. "I'll try." 

Better then not at all I guess. After food is done Cal offers to do the dishes I go into the living room and snuggle up on the couch with Amelia who is almost asleep.

Cory already asleep on the floor, I throw the afghan over Amelia and I because a nap sounds like a damn good idea to me I still feel slightly hungover. 

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