Chapter Twenty Seven

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Abigail's POV

River invited us for supper, but Amelia and I had already ate. I'd actually tried to get Amelia to go to bed at home but she refused she wanted to see River and Vanessa.

It's 11 PM now I've been here about two hours talking to River, being far more open then I've ever been and so is he. Amelia is in his lap sleeping soundly, it's adorable. It's so strange how he looks at her, he looks at her the way I'd always imagine a father would look at his daughter and she isn't even his.

He yawns as he runs his fingers through Amelia's hair he shakes his head slightly like he's trying not to fall asleep.

"Maybe I should get going so you can get some sleep." I suggest quietly. The house is dark his mom and siblings already upstairs asleep.

"I'd sleep better if you stayed." He whispers turning his head to look at me, my stomach flips at his words.

I bite my lip debating it. "Would your mom care?" I ask.

"No." He whispers. 

I stand up and reach for Amelia but he stands up not handing her to me. "I got her." He says softly. We head up the stairs, my hand trailing the railing we walk all the way to the end of the hallway almost and River puts her in the bedroom closes to his.

He kisses her on the head tucks her in and comes back into the hallway I back up just enough to let him out the door. I grab his hand and lead him to his bedroom. He throws his shirt off, kicks his jean off and gets into bed.

I slip out of my jeans crawling into bed beside him. "You know Abby if you can't handle what I do I understand, I don't want to get you in trouble you have Amelia and-"He cuts off shaking his head. 

He watches me carefully as I move closer to him and slowly crawl on top of him. I straddle him and lean down pressing my lips to his. 

He rests his hand on the back of my neck moving his lips in sync with mine. We break apart breathlessly and I stare into his eyes. "I should have let you explain, I'm sorry." I whisper letting regret color my tone.

"It okay mama I should of told you sooner. We wouldn't be in this predicament if I had. It's just not something..." he trails off and swallows hard not meeting my eyes "I like talking about."

He relaxes instantly when I run my fingers through his hair and meets my gaze. 

"I never... really thought someone would mean as much to me as you do." He whispers. "I don't want you to go, I always feel better when I'm with you." 

"I'm not going anywhere." I tell him and press my lips to his, he kisses me back tangling a hand into my hair. My heart pounds so hard against my chest I'm sure he can feel it and that makes my stomach flip.

He keeps his other arm tight around my waist and flips us so I'm beneath him. He trails kisses up  my jaw and then down my neck. My hands trace his chest and abs, he groans at the same time that a moan escapes my mouth.

My core heats up and becomes wet soaking my panties, he grinds against me and I moan louder. He grabs the hem of my shirt pushing it up I let him take it off me. His hand traces my lower abdomen my stomach heats up at his touch and then his hand slides beneath my panties. 

He rubs my clit with his thumb and then slides two fingers inside of me. I pull his hair roughly and he starts pumping his fingers faster in and out of me. He kisses back down my jaw and puts his mouth on mine.

I open my mouth and he darts his tongue into mine, massaging his tongue with mine slowly as his fingers do unbelievable things to me. My patience are wearing thin, I want him inside of me so badly.

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