Modern! Ciel Phantomhive X TransMan! Reader

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I wrote this originally in middle school on Quotev when I was going through an edgy phase. This is one of my worst works. Please keep that in mind lmao. I'm only keeping this chapter up so I can compare how well my writing has come! I hope you all are having a good day :]

From my own imagination, but hope you enjoy!


Yes this X reader is trans. Yes he's gay. If that is triggering or offensive to you, i'm not forcing you to read! Go ahead and boo at it! Just don't be a nusence to the other people that do enjoy it. Below is a list of basically anything that can be triggering.

Gay/ Homosexual MC ( Main Character )Transgender MCSwearing/ Vulgar LanguageViolenceMention of sexual acts

Do know that I do NOT think any of these are ' cute ' or ' funny '. Nor do I suppose any of these negative beliefs! It's only a silly internet fanfic.



F/N - Female Name

M/N - Male Name


" Yeah, you're only saying your ' transgender ' for attention! "

" Your not trans, you just dress like a boy... "

" I don't get it... "

" I'd date her, but she's a girl. "

" She's just a girl that doesn't want to admit she's heterosexual. "

" Fucking disgusting liberal. "

" Degenerate. "

The shit I, Y/M/N, hear everyday at my shitty high-school.

At least, my other schools. Today's my first day at Paddington Academy.

Right now i'm currently getting to my first class before taking any of my anxiety pills, i'm trying to get better about it. They're always there, the insults.

Those stupid motherfucking insults.

Anyways, I should get to homeroom. I won't hear the end of it from my dad if i'm late...


" Jayden Homesfeild? " Called Mr. Houston, the boring homeroom teacher of ' F/N ', who ( thankfully ) took a million, bajillion years to take attendance. This fact often annoys many, MANY students of almighty Mr. Houston. ( At least what he's heard... )

" Here... "

The old teacher droned on.

" ...Ah god, how do you say this? " He muttered quietly, squinting at the laptop. " Uh, S-somnai?... Assman - Kader? "

A quirky indian immagrant kid jumped up, a wide grin on his face ( as it usually,... ), raising a hand.

" I'm present Mr.! And it's Soma!~ "

Of course this was followed by laughs as well as cheers, because everyone in this hell hole wants to be friends with a foreign prince. Daddy's got money in India, so why not try to be his friend? He usually talks to his polished butler, Agni, despite this.

" Alois?... Trancy? " He called to the sea of bored, tired looking children. " ... Sounds french. " He muttered to himself.

A small blonde boy practically stood up in his desk, his two hands togeather.

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