Ciel Phantomhive X Male! Company Owner! Reader

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Requested by @RetroVinyle

This is a slight AU!


"My young lord, you received a letter today." My butler, Demitri hands me a letter with a gloved hand. "And here is your morning tea."

"Thank you." I replied, taking the letter and reading the address. I recognized the address, how could I not? But what did the Queen's Gaurddog want to do with me?

"Demitri, did you have a anything to do with this?" I asked, looking to him. He shook his head, looking to me with his gloomy purple eyes. It was hard to explain, but thet weren't scary to me. Maybe it was because I knew he'd do me no harm.

"A buisness meeting? What is there to discuss- he's a toymaker and I manufacture trains." I toss the letter on my desk without a care. Whatever the Queen's Watchdog was planning, it seemed too good to be true.

"I'm afraid I do not My Lord, however," He'd start, pulling a letter from his breast pocket "I do believe that pesky pest of a butler he's involved himself with might be interested in this."

He walks over to my large, oak desk, and places it in front of me. I examined it closely, and my eyes grew wide at it. No... it couldn't be! That's impossible! It has to be... right?

"Demitri, is this true? I mean-could he have really?!" I asked, looking up to him, shocked. And I was supposed to go to his manor? After knowing... this?!

"It's not impossible," he started, retrieving the letter and placing it back in his pocket. I knew it would be safe there, I trusted him. "But if my suspicions are correct, then it's just as we thought."

I smirked, picking up the discared letter and looking at the envelope. I didn't have to look at him- I knew Demitri and I had the same idea.

"I'll have this so-called Queen's Gaurd dog at my feet."


"Remember, you're here for a buisness meeting," Demitri started, looking at me seriously. "And if anything suspicious happens, make note of it. We cannot go on with our plan without evidence." He blinks at me, tilting his head.

"I know, I know..." I started, crossing my leg over the other. I was already leaning back, running my hand through my hair. "I admit, this whole thing feels suspicious."

"Indeed..." Demitri agreed, looking out the window to check our surroundings. "I doubt he would try anything, but if it does end up being a trap, you know what to do."

"Of course." I'd grin at him. "Besides, you're bloody good at your job. I know I can rely on you Demitri!" I exclaimed happily, causing him to smile lightly. Something caught his eye and he would look outside the window.

"We're here, sit up-" He tells me, watching outside the windows intenly. "We're pulling in now." His tone was serious.

"I know, I know..." I sighed, sitting up and dusting off my outfit.I smirk as the carriage comes to a stop, I wouldn't want a bad first impression for my nemisis.

The carriage door opened to reveal the infamous man I had heard so much about. Devilishly tall, with raven black hair and other wordly red eyes. He greeted me with a smile and politely bowed to me.

"Welcome to Phantomhive Manor, Young Lord Y/N. Please, do come inside."


I apologize but I never had the motivation to finish this lol

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