Alois Transy X Fem! Childhood Friend! Reader

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My head is pounding wildly, I can't escape anywhere. I feel my heart thumping and pounding around my head, while my throat is dried and strained. My breathing quickened as my throbbing head started to panic, searching and scavaging for a way out like a wild animal. Tears would overflow from my eyes, and soon sobbing would sore my throat more. I would try to let out a blood curdling scream as I sunk darker and darker.

" Y/NNN! " A panicked scream shrieked behind me as I drift I hear Jim and Luka screaming as I descend into a deep dark void. My ears ring as I cant hear anything. I struggle to hear someone, anyone as I fall deeper and darker. I scream, hoping anyone will take pity and help me--

" Y/N. "

A single voice would bring me back to my senses as I opened my eyes, breathing heavily. My throat is sore, and the sun through my window softly caressed by face, which was wet. As I take a moment to myself, I look to my butler- Bernard Fuchs. His dark royal purple gaze looked to my E/C pools, loving father-ism shone in them. His wavy white and silver hair framed his face perfectly. He'd be smiling to you kindly. " Your breakfast is ready, Madam. "

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, I'd nod nit meeting his gaze. " Thank you, I'll be right there. "

Seated at the end of the long great oak dinning table sat Madam Y/N, enjoying a well set breakfast her cook Arian had prepared. " Your schedule for the day, Madam. " He'd start, scanning his mind for the memory. " Today you will start with dance,... " His voice was drowned out by the bored filled Lady L/N.

' Nothing around here is ever different. It's always the same thing, maybe with a few different meal choices. ' She thought, bored. ' And the occasional nightmare. ' She'd half - joke to herself, grin falling shortly after.

" You also received a letter today. " He'd reply, a knowing look glinting in his dark gaze. She'd perk up at the mention of a letter. Mr. Fuchs would chuckle.

His dark - colored glove held out her mail, a single heavy envelope with dark - green sealing wax and a spider seal. Carefully she'd open it with her silver letter - opener, calcuating gaze unsure what she'd find. Y/N had heard mixed reviews of the young Earl from her Auntie and her loud - mouthed friends. What she found sent a bolt of shock and unsureness through her.

' You are courterly invited to the home of Earl Trancy for a masquirade ball. this evening will be filled with sensations, wine tastings, and pleasure. Please feel indugled to witness in awe at the live band, the Trancy Garden as well as your lovely host. Your finest frocks and statuesque suits are preferred and required. Don't be afraid if we must dress you!

We hope to see you at the finest evening of your life,

The Trancy Manor. '

It's signed off near the bottom with a orange and gold stamp, mirroring a pentagram.

Y/N would sigh in tiredness after reading the letter. If she couldn't handle a mere letter, imagine a whole night with the pervert.

" It's time for your medications madam. "

Y/N would watch outside the carriage as trees and landscape would zoom on by. She'd sigh to herself. ' Maybe this won't be as bad as I think... ' Lady L/N thought. ' Maybe Earl Trancy is rather the jokester type rather a pervert...

Pushing the thought aside, Y/N watched as the bright and elabrate manor came into her sight. Thinking nothing of it, she took a sharp intake and prepared for the worst.

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