Undertaker X Fem! Apprentice! Reader

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My heart was beating loud and hard within my rib cage.

" Just hold on a little longer dearie~ " Undertaker coos, barely a whisper in my ear.




I clasp something bone - hard in my soft hands.

" Now! " My mentor tells me. I rip out a part of the patient's rib cage. Blood splattered everywhere, but neither of us ever really mind. Sometimes Undertaker even giggles at it, calling it a ' beautiful mural '.

... What were you thinking we where doing?

Anyways, we where examining a body from the crime scene awfully close to Buckingham Palace. It was the third murder this month.

" Have you noticed anything connecting the victims? " The silver - haired man asked, taking a seat in his black leather chair. He smirks to you, always interested in what you'd reply. You with your blood - stained attire turn, dull E/C struck with genius, turn to him. " So far all the crime scenes have progressed closer and closer to the palaces. But we could obviously use this as the criminal's sick way of telling us where they are. " You explain, trying to impress him. You continue. " Also, at least one of the victims at each location is sporting an odd scar on their forearm. "

I look to his mysteriously covered gaze, trying to seem sure. Not a lot of people like to look into where his eyes should be because it seems rather odd to be met with silver bangs. You never felt too bothered by it, because they seemed familiar. Oddly enough, you've never actually seen them.

" Undertaker? Why do you ever hide your eyes? " You wondered out loud. Quickly you covered your mouth with your stained glove, nervous about what he might say. Based on him and Sebastian's rather, dark humor, assumed it was a unsettling topic.

" I'd always knew you'd ask one day. " He commented, rising from his chair. He circled you, taking you chin hin his soft hand. You felt your face heat up. " Naturally, curiousity kills the cat. " He commented, pulling you gently close. " Would you like to see them, love?~ " He cooed, like a dove.

" I-I would love to see those eyes... " You whispered. ' The ones I dreamed about... ' You shushed in your mind, where a million secret lovely things you kept from your mentor where stored. " Very well~ " He chuckled, seeing your face flush even more.

Undertaker took your hand gently, guiding it to raise his long bangs. You gasp a little in shock, seeing the light green orbs. He chuckled at your cute reaction. " Say, Ms. Y/N? " He started, staring into your own, now bright, E/C gaze.

" ...Yes, sir? " You reply gently, concern starting a ember in your E/C gaze. He would never hurt you, but sometimes he liked to tease you He'd tease you before field assignments before, so you were half hesitant.

" May I tell you something? " He asks, staring kindly into your E/C eyes. He holds your soft hands. The blood has dried by now. " Of course, Mr. Undertaker. "

" After all this time, I believe I fell for you. "

The words fall from his lips to your heart like liquid, slashing your heart and causing your cheeks to burn hotter than lava it's self.

Your heart has melted with that heat before.

" ... I believe I have too. "

Undertaker chuckled, taking your face closer gently. Y/N relaxed, feeling his surprisingly soft lips on hers. She smiled into the embrace, Undertaker hugging her close with one strong arm on her back. Once he broke away, he rested his chin on her shoulder.

" I love you, Y/N. " He whispers, genuine.

" I love you too, Unnie~ "

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