Grell Sutcliffe X Contrast! Fem! Reader

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The idea of Grell being head over heels for a girl but being hung up on the colors felt so on brand for her lmfao





I grinned. The best part about being a shinigami is how I can feel what my target is feeling, right before they die.

However, it could get dreadfully boring.

Honestly, why can't I just get one intresting person?! Humans are all the same, they all feel an intense fear before I pluge my beautiful death- scythe into them! Well, I guess it just means I'm good at my job.

I grinned to myself, it was quiet and deserted in London. The only life around me was asleep in their homes, dreaming peacefully. It was stupid, they always talk about how much they wish they did right before they die, yet never do anything!

Sighing, I stopped beside a building, pulling a small book from my coat pocket and flipped to the most recent page. It should happen around here, I thought. He gets murdered in an alleyway.

I pocket my book again, leaning against the building. I have a couple minutes, why not relax? Yawning into my hand boredly, I turn my head to the right.

A woman wearing a royal blue coat walked up to the alleyway, and jumped up onto the building's rooftop. Wha?!? I thought, shocked but also confused.

I should probably figure out what she's doing... I decided, hoisting up my cherry-red death-sythe. Besides, who did she think she is? This is clearly MY kill! Does she think I'm incompetent??

I ran up and too jumped up onto the roof, my eyes immediately locking onto the stranger. She proped up herself on one knee, looking down at the alleyway I had previously been keeping an eye on.

"Hey!" I called out to her, hoisting up my heavy yet intimidating faux chainsaw. "I'm afraid this is my alleyway for the evening, unless you'd like to die here too."

The woman would simply turn her head at me, and I could now see her better. She had h/c hair, smart glasses and captivating light green eyes.

So she's a shinigami, I thought. Just like me. I kept my death sythe on me, somewhat curious if she was possibly a danger. We might work for the same place, but there was the off chance shinigami would go rogue.

"I don't think corprate would appreciate finding out you're an attempted murderer," she started, raising to her feet. I could now see her outfit more clearly in the moonlight.

Her blue coat was clearly inspired by the French nobility. With large silver buttons and a white shirt, she practically glistened in the moonlight.

"Besides, who are you supposed to be?" She asks, raising a brow at me. She looked very serious, colorful, yet not intimidating. If anything, she was more kurt.

"Suttcliffe, the Grell Suttcliffe." I replied, grinning at her confidently. I'd have to admit, she was quite pretty. "I'm sure you've heard of me before." I threw my hair back with my hand, smirking.

"Actually, I haven't." She replied, blinking at me. The blue woman didn't look phased at all. "Are we perhaps in different branches?" There was a calculating look in her yellow-green eyes that I knew quite well. People really looked so ravishing with those dreamy eyes.

"No wonder I've never seen you before," I started, leaning on my sythe stabbed into the roof. "You don't tend to do this line of work."

I watched as she nodded, then pulled a marketwatch out. The moonlight behind her looked lovely. "It's going to happen any minute now," she replied, looking to me. "Would you like to do the honors? Since there was a mix-up here."

"Of course darling," I replied, grinning at the mysterious blue woman. I pull up my sythe and swung it over my shoulder dramatically. "Why don't I show you how a lovely woman does it?"

I earned a gentle giggle from her as a noise below made both of us look down into the alleyway. There he was, the target. His wife had caught him cheating, and she would stab him in the chest behind the flat they shared together.

After the woman walked away, I started off to work. Gracefully, I lept from the great tall building the two of us were stood upon and ripped the chainsaw into his stomach.

The cinematic records of his life were as I expected- met another woman, knowingly cheated, and was eventually caught. They were arguing the night before over the issue, apparently this had been going on for months.

Deciding he would die, I stamped one foot into the poor sod's chest and yanked out my beloved sythe and leapt back up to my lovely audience member. She was sitting, her legs dangling over the edge. I would join her, sitting beside her.

"I would have to admit, that was a pretty good job." She admitted, looking into the stars above us. The night sky was beautiful, even if we had both just witnessed a murder.

"Thank you, however," I started, looking over at the woman beside me. "I don't believe I ever got your name, darling." My eyes met hers as they smiled lightly.

"Y/N," she replied, turning her friendly demeanor to the large moon above us. It seemed to wash everything in sight in a calming light. "Y/N L/N."

I find myself grinning at learning her name. It was a beautiful name, one I didn't intend let go unnoticed. I looked to her staring up at the moon.

"Would you like to go somewhere with me sometime darling?" I boldly asked, feeling the cold bite at me.

"I'd love to." She gently replied, smiling to herself. She didnt seem as cold as I initially thought.

We were both snapped back into reality as below us a woman screamed in horror.

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